Well there’s your problem podcast. A podcast about engineering disasters; with slides.
Well there’s your problem podcast. A podcast about engineering disasters; with slides.
No worries dog. I was also tired of semantic battles at that point and also wasn’t having it, so also came off as a dick. I also have my 07 FFL and SOT, so, trust me, I get it, I was/am wrong. The correction is warranted. Just not at all the conversation I was trying to have lmao
Cool man
Oh yeah, 1000%. Also, with a C&R license, you’re not legally purchasing a “firearm”. It’s a curio or relic, but yeah, point still stands.
Also, none of that has anything to do with the discussion at hand, which was sorta my point.
Well, the article references Americans, I’m American, so okay?
Europeans can also get guns mailed to their front door, are we just comparing gun laws?
Electro chemical machining can make a barrel.
But, idk how any of what you said makes them a “meme”. You can buy a barrel online for cheap, also ammo, and I don’t have to go through a government check. That’s what a lot of these people want to avoid.
Well, I’m not going to argue with anything except one thing, from talking to Canadians, my understanding is that while you don’t have a stand your ground or castle doctrine/law, it’s not illegal either. It seems to be very much case dependent and as a Canadian you’re expected to respond with “reasonable and proportional” force, which, is very subjective I guess? Idk, if you’re going to try to do it in Canada, you better be in your closet and the other person better be coming with a gun.