Hi hello everyone! It’s been a week isn’t it? Back again to share with you what happened to us last week, so disclaimer this story happened last week, I didn’t post it because I become so tired due to the excitement that last during that day as well as I experienced a very busy week. So now I will make it up to you by sharing our extravagant and amazing trip with me and my family.

Archive 1: Breakfast ala mountain Ahhh! A day wouldn’t be completed if you don’t it breakfast; which also is the most important meal of the day, that is why you shouldn’t miss eating during morning. Anyway as we woke up in the morning, the mommies who are with us is already done cooking, as you can see we have 1 big pot of rice, corn/seafood platter, salted egg with tomatoes/ onions and lastly a big mountain amount of hotdogs. If you’re wondering why we had a ton of hotdogs it is because we had a lot of children who are included in this trip, plus cooking hotdogs are the fastest and easiest method if you’re out here camping or in the mountains.

Oh! Speaking of mountains, not only we get to eat vigorously, we also get to spot this very meadow and gorgeous mountain view. Perfect combination I should say! Especially while you’re eating the surrounding is very peaceful and quiet, you can only hear the ambiance of the birds chipping, fresh wind and air, cold breeze as well, and a nice chat with your family while thinking nothing but excitement. Oh wait a minute! Excitement while were at it let’s hop on to archive 2.

Archive 2: Boodle Fight ala swimming This is one of the most exciting part I’ve get to share to this content which is eating! No just kidding, the main agenda to our outing which is going to lows in the forest and going on a trip again to the hidden gem in the forest. Oh by the way if you remember the hidden gem I talked about last time, this is one of the resemblance of it but the difference is, this is not a water fall but a water flow. Because a water fall, basically falls from up to down, while the water flow also falls from up to the down, but it crashes to the engraved rocks behind it.

Anyways before I hop on to archive 3 which I’ll state you all why we went here, I’ll share first our boodle fight! It’s been months since we had our last boodle fight, so this boddle fight is basically not a fight physically but this is to eat in one whole plate or the banana leaves, then all of you will eat with you hands. Sounds fun right? because it is fun, especially if you eat together as a whole family, it is fulfilling.

Archive 3: Unforgettable experience A long at last! One of also my trip to remember or my unforgettable experience, why? First of all we work together as a family, and all of us are busy with our own agendas and workloads at work so we don’t actually have time to spend ourselves and be wasted going to galas, bondings and other stuff like that. It’s like our routine in a week is either study, work and just limited amount of quality time. But last week we’ve been given a chance to spend our free time to just let ourselves relax for moments like this that also will last me infinity.

If you look to the picture you can see my family, enjoying this blasted experience, since we had a lot of kids who are with us I believe the kids had fun also a lot. But of course us adults are in to fun as well. The water in that cold waterflow just spank me and heal me thru my whole body. It relaxes me a lot and all of my fatigues are basically off. On the other hand look at this rock formation, like linoasis why are you interested with those rock? Well I’m attracted to them, as a nature/sunset/bike lover I cherish mother earth and its beauty the most. Imagine I could only see this for one time and so on, that’s why you have to grab that opportunity to just you know appreciate the wonders of nature.

To sum up!.. To wrap everything up I must say this trip of ours is something stored in my brain memory card. The reasons why we decided to go on to this trip even if the time span is very short, it is because we wanted to once again feel the essence of going to bonds like this. If we will go on a trip again it’ll be for days or even months, but since the chances are already here why not grab it! I am very grateful to what we had achieve last week, therefore I also realize that you should always have time to your family even if you had a busy schedule because it makes your family grow stronger and always be together. Truly this is an unforgettable experience and one my bucketlist is not cross out. Satisfied here!