Seven months after the Supreme Court struck down a deal that would have resolved thousands of opioid cases against Purdue Pharma, the company’s owners, members of the Sackler family, have increased their cash offer to settle the litigation — but with a novel catch.

Under the framework for a new deal, the Sacklers would not receive immunity from future opioid lawsuits, a condition that they had long insisted upon but that the court ruled was impermissible.

Instead, they would pay up to $6.5 billion — $500 million more than the previous agreement — but with a new condition: Claimants, including states, municipalities and individuals, would have to set aside as much as $800 million in an account akin to a legal-defense fund for the billionaires to fight such cases, according to people familiar with the negotiations

Bolding added, archived at

    1 month ago

    The sackers, all.of them, should be getting the old yeller treatment. Saying this as a pacifist, and someone who’s against capital punishment. this family is a cancer on humanity and will make the world burn if they could rule the ashes.

    People were dying in the streets whilst they are partying with champagne and (ironically) drugs and now they’re haggling about how much tax they have to pay over that.

    This is a family that caused the most deaths of any family since WWII and each death was torturous and plain sadistic. They knew all about what was happening, and why, and then just pushed harder because money money moneyz!

    All their money and goods should be seized, and sold off to pay for all the death and misery they caused and all of them should be last seen taken behind a shed