Time flies so fast, isn’t it? Yeah I agree, imagine I just woke up in the morning like a few minutes or hours ago but now it’s already evening and getting myself ready for bed and to face new life tomorrow. It’s like today is Monday but tomorrow’s Sunday right? Aha! Time surely doesn’t take its time as it flies so fast I didn’t even follow. Okay now why am I ranting to time? Is it related to the topic I am writing today? Well actually yes, you guess that right, today my story will be correlated to time because as we grow day by day we won’t realize that we are getting old. But that is a good thing for us right? If we grow there is a progress…

When were still young

Back in the days were we used to eat, play, sleep and study are the things that we always do and usually our routing all throughout the day. Those day are actually the best because we get and tend to relax all time not like now in the present, we get to be busy cycling and just can’t get enough of rest. to be honest I miss my youthful days, if I would be given a chance to just explore or time travel in the past then I will gradually take it. You will never know what will happen once you step out on to the past world were you can see yourself just having fun and don’t care what others say and do in regardless.

Imagine yourself entering the zone were phones are not yet launched, letters are just the popular mode of communication back then, and it was hard if you think of it. Now it is very much advance and easily accessible compare in the past. But you know what I want to go back were products like food are not yet priced increased, to days that there are no judgmental people, back were when we are kids who plays outdoors instead of playing video games, back were we just living the best life out of us and didn’t think negatively amidst in all circumstances that comes within us.

But most especially what I cared about going back is the education, nowadays education is needed to success, not all are eager to learn back then because first of all the mode of education is not it unlike now. I am not saying that kids back then are not into education but like now there are some slightly difference. But disregard that, being in youthful days back then is enjoyable and most likely to be missed.

And just like Adele says in her song When we were young: “My God this reminds me, of when we were young Let me photograph you in this light In case it is the last time” I feel the same way, I just wanted to commemorate the times when I am still young that’s why to all the adults and youth viewers here, enjoy life while it last. Photographed those memories of yours and put it in your memory mind card.

Vetus Sed Arum

Meaning (go back to the title) “Old but Gold” even if things get old it will always last and will leave good memories in your mind. Jumping to the present were sometimes chaos happens, it doesn’t seems so bad after all. Problems are normal in life we just had to faced, accept and deal with it no matter what the circumstances is. A lot people says that “if you’re old, you can’t do anything” which is for me in my opinion is not true. Doesn’t mean your old, doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. That is not a hindrance for oldies or adults like me

For me this is a cycle; as you’ve been born in this world, day by day or yearly your obligations gets to be bigger and bigger, even if you wish you are a child again you can’t go back the way you was when you’re born. BUT you can bring it back through practices. Now going back, as our obligations, works, problems get to be bigger and bigger as we grow, as we get older obligations can be lessen especially if you are a senior. But doesn’t mean you are senior doesn’t mean you can’t do anything.

Regardless to that matters children or adult we have our own obligations or works to do so. We are not the same yes. But we will go through that. That’s why as you lived you have to live your life to the fullest, don’t waste and be the best you can.

Just like what turnpike troubadours said to their song “The old world will spin again, Well I’ve got that old time feeling like before” World won’t go back before but it will spin you to feel your back in to your old world. To sum up remember that; not all old’s will remain old forever it might be a treasure or should I say Gold. A gold of memories that is much valuable than a real gold.

Ending this up by saying… “We are always the same age inside” no matter what age we are, we still have the same thing on the inside. If you think you’ve change, no it’s not. That is just your attitude, character or appearance that you’ve change. But the real you will always remain gold, forever and ever; a beautiful treasure.