Brave browser has a filter to bypass paywalls. Works on desktop and mobile versions. Definitely works on NYT as I just read something there today. And of course has built in adblock. You can also add additional filters and adblock lists.
Bonus: print to PDF in Brave to share an article with someone else. It retains all the graphics relevant to the article and cuts all the junk and ads out too.
Yeah the article stub doesn’t link to the article. It links to a login flow with the article id. If you go directly to the article you get redirected if you don’t have a session.
It’s incredibly easy to make an impossible to get around paywall. Porn has done it since the Internet existed.
In this very particular situation I’m glad most companies are lazy and stupid.
I don’t particularly care if a company does pay only content. I think its legitimately ok. I hate companies that don’t make you pay enough for the service to cover their costs thus leading to complete enshitifaction.
Doesn’t NYT cut off most of the article now? I used to just be able to disable JS but that didn’t work anymore last I checked.
I use this extension and it lets me bypass pretty much every paywall including NYT’s
Brave browser has a filter to bypass paywalls. Works on desktop and mobile versions. Definitely works on NYT as I just read something there today. And of course has built in adblock. You can also add additional filters and adblock lists.
Bonus: print to PDF in Brave to share an article with someone else. It retains all the graphics relevant to the article and cuts all the junk and ads out too.
Yeah the article stub doesn’t link to the article. It links to a login flow with the article id. If you go directly to the article you get redirected if you don’t have a session.
It’s incredibly easy to make an impossible to get around paywall. Porn has done it since the Internet existed.
In this very particular situation I’m glad most companies are lazy and stupid.
I don’t particularly care if a company does pay only content. I think its legitimately ok. I hate companies that don’t make you pay enough for the service to cover their costs thus leading to complete enshitifaction.