I guess I’m in the minority: I prefer to see my speed as a number instead of a dial.
Yes, it does need to be in front of the driver.
An advantage of a proper dial is that you can instinctively see the change in speed by how quickly the needle moves.
Touch screens have no business in dashboards. I don’t care how sleek it looks to replace all the physical buttons. You have to look at a touch screen to use it. That alone makes them entirely unfit for the purpose. Physical buttons that can be identified by touch and provide tactile feedback are the only interfaces that make any fucking sense at all.
This fees like something so obvious that I cannot understand how we got here.
I love the potential of a digital dash.
I hate the wasted potential of actual digital dashes.Let me fuckin customize it.
Let me put whatever gauges I want wherever I want. I know that the data is available over the CAN bus, let me fuckin see it.
Dynamically change the layout if something important happens I need to keep an eye on, but wouldn’t normally need to worry aboutMy Audi typically displays the outdoors temp on the digital dash, which is convenient. Except when there is any warning light on, which takes its place. Want to take a quick glance at the temp? Well right now it’s “low on windshield wiper fluid” degrees outside.
Also why the fuck does this shitty dash scream at me about warnings when I get in the car but not out. By the time I get home I will have completely forgotten about the windshield wiper. How is “also display reminders after shutting the engine off” not the obvious implementation?
On the canbus
Is this a new porn series?
That’s the Cuntbus
You’re thinking of cornbus
Hard disagree. It is SO much faster for me to read a digital number readout than a analogue one.
This isn’t touch screen controls (which are terrible). It’s a readout.
No, the top one sparks gasoline. And the bottom one sparks … I don’t know how electric cars work.
I am partial to the windshield projection style. It is truly fantastic for keeping your eyes on the road while seeing your speed
The two-tiered cluster of my Civic really grew on me. The speedometer is up really high so it’s almost always in your line of sight.
The Civic’s split dash was apparently generally hated, but I really liked it, for just that reason… The year after mine they switched it back to a single cluster, which I think is unfortunate
Honestly I’d kill for a digital dashboard that easy to read. Most are way worse.
I’d kill for one that was positioned so I could see it. I keep my steering wheel low and my hands cover the speedometer.
watching 80s and 90s anime has given me a soul-deep admiration for mechanical dials of any kind. I like high-tech shit, but it’s gotta have low-tech dials, or I’m out.
Do you have any recommendations for older anime?
Well you didn’t ask me nor did you provide parameters other than age so here’s a list (mostly in the order I remember them, varying genres and ages, all pre-2010 many pre-2000):
Cowboy Bebop Samurai Champloo Ruroni Kenshin Devilman (OG 1976, NOT reboot) Mazinger Z Galazy Express 999 Golden Boy Trigun Cat Soup (movie) Berserk Big O Samurai Pizza Cats Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo Shin Chan FLCL Dragon Ball (OG, Z, ignore GT) Fist of the North Star Yu Yu Hakusho Inuyasha Golgo 13 Ghost Stories Hare and Guu Lupin III Sailor Moon
And I’m sure I’m forgetting some.
This one sparks joy.
This one (ETA: my '97 Prelude) sparks so much joy.
I so very much preferred speedometers like that which had every 10 marked rather than every 20 like so many seem to do
The best looking dials on a dashboard I have ever seen is the dashboard from the Saab 9000 CSE.
This isn’t exacty what I remember, but close enough:
I love the green and orange colors, the car diagram, the turbo, temp and fuel dials are just great.
Granted I was a kid when we had that car, but the colors were beautiful
So does this one.
So does this one.
I hate that cars are just smart phones on wheels now. Do any auto makers still make cars with the old style and not all these screens and crap?
I was so happy when I saw some modern KIAs use analog controls.
Then I checked KIAs reliability and safety score and died.
I’ve put 80k miles on one Kia and just got a Hyundai with 100k miles on it. I’ve not once had something need replacement that wasn’t an expected wear item at about the expected interval. I also witnessed a Kia get pinned against the median on the beltline by a speeding car that lost control and while it was definitely totaled, the occupants were uninjured.
So my annecdotal experience has been quite positive
Watch out for flying USB drives though.