I wonder why such an important piece of info is posted on social media but not on a dedicated webpage that can be linked to any social media posts.
I mean, it’s not like people would check that dedicated webpage on their own, and they are less likely to click on that webpage to get the additional details. Just put it on the platform most people are using and don’t add extra steps to see what’s needed.
If they’re looking to Xitter it could be copy/pasted instead, but then updates get harder to manage.
Just put it on the platform most people are using and don’t add extra steps to see what’s needed.
Most, but not all people should be a deal breaker for a public service announcement.
Why are they surprised that someone who is highly sympathetic to sex offenders would want them to get away from their crimes.
Methinks that Elon would tote the security of a Tesla, but something tells me that if a sex offender or child kidnapper were to take it, the sensors would stop updating and it would release a lot of DNA destroying enzymes in the interior and exterior that would destroy crucial evidence inside and outside the vehicle.
Paragraph one: agreed, Elon musk loves sex offenders and probably is one. Love this paragraph.
Paragraph two jumped the shark.