The Disney hotel one was with that weird chick and she’s great. 10/10 would blow away my time on that again. However, YouTube is filled with literal garbage.
“Voluntary” and voluntary are different. If you want to be educated on the difference because you just don’t quite get it, I’m confident you can get into San Quentin.
pride not Pride
Who is policing? I’m just saying you’re a random entity on the internet who also fanboys over a low visibility, polluting, death machine. Then you go on about how you’re actually pretty far left…could easily be a big old case of the lady doth protest too much (akin to the protonmail guy walking back his maga nature with “I’m left on some issues, right on others”).
All I said is I don’t buy this facade you have.
Impossible to know what percentage more since can’t divide by 0 ;)
Does anyone like 1-hour video essays, though? (I mean appreciate it vs nothing, but as a blanket statement…)
“It’s one of the better forced labor systems in our over-incarcerated racist system”
-A true hero for the downtrodden, baguette
They just voted to keep it non-volunteer…three months ago. Less, actually. So why don’t you stop harassing people.
This is California, he’s paid below min wage (edit I misread as per hour, which is also below min wage)
Everyone has pride, silly
More effective to just start penpal relationships with Chinese folks you find on the internet. Just write some shit about the T-square and Pooh and if they keep responding you know it’s secure.
I dunno, you have a favorite pickup truck. I have a hard time believing you’re on the left.
All bad guys do weird stuff with their pinky when talking about money
Yes I am also curious why you say one is more scalable. What’s the diff?
His “job” is to go on stage places and be overconfident. Being informed is not part of that job.
It shows you what keeps your eyes on a video for longer, on a frame by frame basis. “Want” is a slightly separate concept.
Sounds like you have chicken and egg reversed
I haven’t shot anyone unarmed yet. So who is policing??