lmao that’s crazy cynical. manifesting a divorce
lmao that’s crazy cynical. manifesting a divorce
LibreWolf or Brave. I use Brave personally, it’s okay
who would he even genocide? could be anyone
if you got clown shoes appropriate for your size, they’d look like normal shoes
is his name Uncle Moe Lester?
there was a big spike in Roman ticks at that time
let’s just rebrand instances to superleddits and communities to subleddits 🤣
“Reddit but you can block the part that annoys you”
I don’t understand how everyone can be so blind to the surveillance that already exists.
Literally all your communications or purchase or browsing history, 90% of people’s photos and contacts, everything you ever say near your phone/smart devices, your health data with devices like fitbit, cm resolution spy satelites, 4D maps of the entire globe being created via services like Pokemon Go, phones create and store in the cloud high resolution 3D maps of your face, mesh networked devices like Alexa now surveil without you even having internet access, your home and your exact location down to a meter are already being live spied on. Not to mention full remote access to all your devices.
Sometimes with a thin veneer of privacy on top of it, like Apple pretends to have.
Basically the only part of you that the surveillance state doesn’t constantly surveil already is your butthole.
Even avoiding just 10% of this surveillance in your daily life is almost impossible.
If you have that threat level, I hope you are already protecting yourself against spying on your web searches. With no protections, you could easily become a target by just looking any of these things up.
I don’t think the tools on privacytools.io fit your requirements (maybe globaleaks) but this site is a good start
https://www.privacytools.io/blogs https://www.privacytools.io/private-hosting https://www.privacytools.io/secure-whistleblower
Also some of the privacy messengers here (like Briar) have blogging/forum features similar to Telegram, but you can’t access them via a browser, so you would have to get everyone to install those apps:
But realistically speaking like the others suggested: Tor, I2P, Zeronet, etc…
I am quite happy with Njalla, haven’t had any issues yet
yeah it will with that attitude