They’ll probably drop the price soon. At $500 it might be worth looking at…
This is so old, the girl definitely isn’t either.
Meanwhile Nvidia:
There is no point. This life is what you get. It’s up to you to make something of it.
There is no right answer. There are many distros to choose from and each has its pros and cons. My suggestion would be to try a few things in VMs before fully making the jump. Personally I use Mint. It just works and takes a minimal amount of hassle to install and run. If that’s a priority to you, I’d suggest checking it out.
The 9070 would have to be below $500 to have a chance.
That he prefers Edge’s mother’s cooking.
Trolling and then playing the victim. Very nice.
Also, societal attitudes have changed to the point where at least open racism or homophobia aren’t really acceptable any more. So they needed a new scapegoat.
Trans people: “I’d like to exist.”
JK Rowling: “I don’t agree with your premise.”
Totally not hatred.
As a German, I can confirm that this is a great strategy.
Personally, I’d prefer a larger caliber for Nazi hunting.
Well it doesn’t say “no meth”, so you’re in the clear, here.
Yesterday I spent five hours cleaning out 247 MB on my $50, 1TB SSD. I am very efficient.
Oh noes! 600 billion fluffybucks that only ever existed in the feverish fantasies of stock market analysts! Oh the humanity!
What else is he storing in his “storage room”?
I used to, but I haven’t smoked a fag in thirty years.
Second pandemic, here we come.
If your employer requests it, they’ll pay for it. If you need to pay yourself, it’s likely a scam.