Ok, but that is explicitly not the person or position Andy Yen commented on.
Ok, but that is explicitly not the person or position Andy Yen commented on.
Despite what TikTok might claim, I’m fairly certain they’ve never actually turned a profit. Data collection, and influencing the American was always the point.
This is also a lie. He did not promote the Republican Party. Words mean something, quit making shit up.
Not even a little in this situation. Maybe take your head out of your ass and stop spreading lies. He literally addressed this head on.
His reply in text form:
It’s the year I was born, and also a lucky number in Taiwan where I am from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/88_(number)#%3A~%3Atext=Number+88+symbolizes+fortune+and%2Csupermarkets+often+contain+many+8s.
Not what he said.
His words about the Gail Slater nomination specifically were.
I disagree with Yen here, but characterizing that statement as “republicans are the right choice for their policies and democrats are not,” seems like a real stretch.