And there are 180GWh battery storages planned to store this energy for the next day. But guess who has to confirm the plans? The 4 almighty German power companies. And guess why it‘s just in planning phase? And who is loosing money if energy prices don’t fluctuate that intense? And who tried to slow down the renewables last decade? Same shit as the petrol and gas heads did. Change can’t be stopped, so they play for time.
Edit: Some figures of public power production were published. Power was 62% out of renewables. Mainly wind power. Solar as second.
And the Carbon emissions for electricity is reduced and 50% as of 2014 (152 million tons CO2). Lot of dirty coal burning for power in the past.
Now, heating and mobility as to be transformed to electricity. Making it cheaper as well.
I love bacterias.
Btw are thee any bacterias out there that tidy up a room? In desperate need, I am.