Lmao. You do realize you spent 7 paragraphs outlining how the US is an oligarchic dictatorship only to conclude that it is a bastion of democracy because of it?
Lmao. You do realize you spent 7 paragraphs outlining how the US is an oligarchic dictatorship only to conclude that it is a bastion of democracy because of it?
But in the US it’s legal. In a bunch of states all you need is parental consent for a teen barely out of puberty to marry an adult, and some will lower the age if the child is already pregnant.
That would not be an honest light. China actually takes their affirmative action seriously and not just pays lip service to it while continuing to enact genocidal policies like the US still does on the indigenous peoples of the mainland and occupied Hawai’i which has been gentrified and settled to the point of being unlivable for most of the locals.
The claims of China’s abuse of ethnic minorities are a scam espoused by the same people profitting off the genocide in Palestine. Anybody who takes the evidence seriously instead of treating accusations as trustworthy because of the volume of them doesn’t understand (or chooses to ignore) how the US propaganda machine has always worked.
People still on that “China genocide” bs are about as ridiculous as people claiming Iraq had WMDs into the Obama years. It’s a level of gullibility so big that it has to be voluntary.
If your sources quote “anonymous sources” and nebulous “state documents” without providing access to them, those are shit sources. I wouldn’t trust them even if I didn’t know their track record of making shit up as long as their CIA
handlercontact “confirms” the story.