Im not big on lottery tickets but you don’t want to work at a place and the office pool wins the jackpot and your the schlep that is left working a crappy job. Honestly though most places I end up stopping because there are always some folks wanting to have everyone pony up more on large jackpots to get more tickets and if it does not happen they make a secondary pool and then its like oh F this.
I only have a smartphone because a job gave me a monthly stipend to have it in the past and I don’t currently have a plan for it. that being said I am deeply in bed with google. I actually am more concerned with the fact that google could just drop all the services one day than the privacy so I am and advocate for government email (not as much in the last week or so) that would be guaranteed to not go away and allow for in person support maybe run by the post office (and run with similar independence and rights) or at the state level the secretary of state. Maybe both. Would it be my main social email? No, but I could rely on its stability. Most people are aghast at this but I really don’t get how having some corporation, no matter how well their current safeguards are, is better than a government one run similarly.