Not exactly what I was talking about but I gues I could have formulated that clearer.
Thanks anyway.
That goes in the right direction but I would like a bit more pazaz. Combos and points and flames, you know the deal.
But I will try it. Thanks for the link.
Luigi sagt nein.
Braucht wahrscheinlich eher sowas wie ne netflix serie oder ein tiktok Video.
Everyone is tired and on edge so we fight each other as it was planned.
My point still stands.
Maybe people not able to afford new cards, forces studios to optimize their games.
Arse Suckaturd founder of aidscock.
Everyone of us can be manipulated. If someone has your data, which gives indicators on how you think and act, that someone can manipulate you.
And manipulating citizens is a good strategy for foreign countries.
You want to make money? Let bluepoint make a bloodborne remaster and bring it to PC.
Like, make the obvious good and profitable decision.
The only thing truly free are those little pencils at IKEA.
Nah, you’re good.