People acting like cryptocurrency isn’t just a security backed by thin air really drives me up the wall.
Crypto is a mirage and when it crashes people will all be wondering, “damn how were we this naive.”. But humans are great at playing make believe so who knows. But acting like the USD and Bitcoin are the same is lunacy.
Like you said one is money, the other you hold onto and want to turn into money.
You gotta be true to yourself but a couple extra minutes, if even, to boot the game because of a launcher that’s integrated into steam isn’t that much of a biggie.
Shit after you launch if the first time I’m pretty sure you can skip the launcher popping up, may have to use a command line argument in steam not sure but it makes it so the launcher is basically non-existent at that point.
Anyways I don’t need to convince you, fine stranger, but I really would be remiss to not at least push another person to play one of my favorite games of all time.