actually the constant flood of trump post made comment less on reddit, i got tired of seeing all the time, and you also have to be extremely careful about commenting on any of sub to begin with.
actually the constant flood of trump post made comment less on reddit, i got tired of seeing all the time, and you also have to be extremely careful about commenting on any of sub to begin with.
i used a extension to delete all my comments and posts.
it took them to permaban multiple accts to come here, lol. and i also fled to another forum(one specifically how to evade the bans)_
Yes he is, and his supporters might actually believe. transgenic animals have been used in research for decades , and he is just finding out now?
Without lots of money, it’s not doable reliabily
it doesnt, but rather have all the comments deleted in any case.
No, they don’t care unless you been denied once, auto reject, they will reject if you apply again with the same email address. I used different emails for different job resumes, I rotate to new ones, if use one more than a week
Even Reddit doesn’t delete your post(data) when you delete your account. You will have to do it. Yourself first, of you have hundreds of posts or comments
Don’t they ressurect dead accounts, and use the ai to post randomly
yea i used alot emails for my resume when i was job seeking, the one i used switched over during covid, limit “inacitivity to 6 months, deletes your account”, wish it dint. i unfortunately sitll use gmail, although i dont do anything signicant, need another one that doesnt delete your acc after a minimum amount of time. im using another service, thats not gmail or microsofts.
i would probably move all your resumes to another account, put it all on a cloud(i did it with drive, you can do it with dropbox?) and any new resumes use another email service.
people were using the vpn to evade reddit bans, but even reddit does not like vpn users anymore.
mustve saw how reddit started banning a sht ton of accounts, and its starting to resemble facebook in some form. its all trump propaganda(negative or otherwise which helps him), reddit is censoring hard this month, it looks like its gearing to be bought off, and to encourage traffic from right wingers, because i keep seeing conservative subs being on the front page alot.
if they cant suppress on reddit, they will go to facebook, which give them ability to do alot more.
its worst for younger people, some dont even know about WW2 at all,
its like the memoradum, where ukraine wasnt invited and like the sudentlands with ww2 nazi germany, the countries in question wasnt allowed at the table. and in recent history , israel was unilaterally given without hte palestines in attendance.
i never got the hang of using fb, or instagram. only to check up a specfic person, i lose interest the moment it ask you to login.