At this point let’s just go back to manually using command line GPG/PGP.
At this point let’s just go back to manually using command line GPG/PGP.
The fix is now published (see “Assets” section): https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/releases/tag/v0.23.2-beta
KDEnlive is improving, however Resolve is still more powerful and mature. That said, DaVinci’s business model seems precarious. It feels like they could, at any moment, enshittify Resolve and force users into a subscription just to maintain access to old edits. I think for that reason KDEnlive is better for almost all users. If you are a professional filmmaker then the color and vfx workflows of Resolve are probably worth paying for, but in that case it’s probably a FinalCut vs Resolve question anyway.
This one is pretty obscure but I feel like it fits this question.
For people who don’t know deep meme lore, YTMND was/is a site where people uploaded extremely short audio clips and images/gifs that went together. This all sprouted from a short clip of Sean Connery saying “You’re the man now, dog!” in the movie Finding Forester. Here’s the Know Your Meme page. Sometimes these were funny, sometimes they were artful and surreal, sometimes they were meta, usually they were just stupid.
One day back in the stone ages I was browsing the site and I found this one:
(CW racism):
I have to say it struck me. I reverse image searched the painting and discovered it’s by an artist named Slowinski whose work is explicitly about fucked up shit in American society. In this case obesity, lotteries, a terrible food supply, etc. are literally murdering a black man but its presented like a carnival attraction. The music seems so fitting to me because it mimicked both how “Black is Beautiful” and Black American art fights against the narrative but is also co opted by capitalism to push the exact same poison. I even thought, “Wow, the name is a play on the N word but also its homophone which means someone who is miserly, perhaps additional commentary?” Fucking excellent, especially for YTMND.
So I clicked the little “source” icon in the corner to see if the author had some insight on this and it’s literally just some kid who slowed down the song, thought it sounded like a “fat black guy”, and googled that then posted the image. Well fuck.
I wouldn’t say it’s a masterpiece but I still remember it, especially the irony of it, and it was a fucking YTMND of all things, so I guess that counts for something.
The movie “The Peanut Butter Solution”.
Apparently the whole thing in on Youtube. Here is a link specifically to the scene that was in my memories but I couldn’t remember what it was from, or if it was real (32:47): https://youtu.be/pDGyweCl7ik?t=1967
Warning it’s bizarre and gross. It’s a kids film so nothing about it is actually obscene or violent, but something about the texture of this movie makes everything bizarre and gross. It’s like a shag rug in a barber shop.
It was the city of Elbing in the German Empire, now known as Elbląg and located in Poland.
My great, great Grandma was an illegal immigrant from a country that no longer exists and a city that is now in Poland, though she spoke and considered herself German. So where would I go, modern Germany? Poland? Neither would take me. So probably just sent to die at a work camp.
In Luke, when Jesus says (again) to love thy neighbor literally the next question someone poses to him is “but who is my neighbor?” Jesus responds with the tale of the Good Samaritan. In this story there is a man, a traveler from a foreign land, who was robbed and beaten and left on the roadside, suffering and ignored by passing strangers (including a priest). The Good Samaritan feeds him, fixes him up, and puts him up at an inn.
There’s two laws… two. The first is to love God, the second is to “go and do likewise” as the Good Samaritan did. I’m a godless commie and I know this shit.
Plenty of choices out there…
Not for me unfortunately. There’s a number of businesses with zero online presence. They maybe have a facebook page with one entry congratulating Becky’s son Roger for graduating with the class of 2015, and that’s how you find the phone number. It’s like the 90s again, except there’s no phone book now. I don’t understand it. These guys must be making a living purely off the business they get at church.
The guy who dug my well asked why I decided on him specifically and I said, “Honestly? You’re the only one who returned my call.” I asked him why guys with a lease on a million dollar drill rig wouldn’t return calls and he wasn’t sure.
I really didn’t want to interface with Facebook at all but, fuck me. I have to join the Ruritan Club, or some shit, just to find an electrician.
Yeah, disappointing.
I ended up making a burner account for this. I used a proton mail address and a plausible but fake name. My vpn kept getting flagged for special review where they, I shit you not, want you to send in a photo of a government ID. Eventually I found a VPN server that, for whatever reason, got passed this.
Then I spent 15 minutes hiding and locking every privacy setting I could find because I really didn’t want to be shown to other people as a potential “friend”.
I use the account just to monitor local emergencies and whatnot. An infuriating amount of local businesses and services only use facebook.
I think the last time I celebrated any holiday was buying some champagne when Kissinger died.
I don’t want to dox myself, but I know what happened here. Performance was unacceptable on Series S, and it was unknown how effective optimization would be. BGS management is extremely risk averse, so they decided to add more loading areas. For example, making Neon multiple cells. Later the optimization team came through and it turns out that wasn’t necessary but CK workflow is way too manual and bug prone to undo the changes that close to release. I don’t remember if Purkey left before the buyout but Series S became the performance target and that made everyone freak out.
In the USA this is illegal too but it is mostly a health thing, eg you can’t live somewhere with no place to shit because you’ll end up shitting in the river. Not that “health and safety” isn’t constantly abused to brutalize the indigent, but it does also kind of make sense to not let people live long term where they can’t shit, knowing what we know now about outhouses and groundwater.
That said, local governments in rural areas can barely keep fire departments and schools open. Nobody is checking on your vacant land unless someone complains, and they’d have to drive past fifty other shanties to get to yours.