Should we be shaming him for his genderhumanoid-affirming care?
Should we be shaming him for his genderhumanoid-affirming care?
Or rather many Nazis resemble other Nazis but they’re all fascist racist assholes in their own way.
Which is why “who’s who” or “who does what” will sort itself out differently, with overlaps.
Trump wants ultimate power, control of the media, and all the weapons. He sees the world as his personal real estate to exploit for his own profit. He thinks of Elon as his attack dog, one he can fire if he’s a liability or threat. He may be wrong about that part.
Their mouths may be filled with empty words about improving the country but each is only interested in benefit to himself. They’re cunning and ruthless rather than intelligent or wise. And racist assholes to the core. Edit to add sexist. And ableist.
I see we’re getting into the who’s who debate in this thread. One could argue that Musk is Goebbels, the propagandist.
Nobody can be Göring because he was known for hiring highly effective people, the lack of which just may be how we survive.
Then there’s Himmler who took over the SS and orchestrated the Holocaust, that’s who Musk wants to be. I have hope he’ll fail like with his companies.
I still see Trump as Hitler because he’s the narcissist with the unbelievable charisma who’s got the small-minded people behind him, which makes the rest of the fascist agenda possible.
Kanye is just a hanger-on, trying to get attention
Oh don’t you hate that? Happens too often, especially typing on my phone and the cat or the spouse needs is asking for something so I’m rushing to finish and BLARGH! It’s ruined!
I guess I got here too late, but in a case like this perhaps the most helpful thing you can do is call ahead and warn everyone “the migra are coming, the migra are coming!” like some kind of modern Paul Revere. That way, the legal citizens can be ready to stall and be unhelpful while anyone with reason to fear can scatter. And if someone is legal but brown they can grab the papers that prove they’re not supposed to be scooped up as well.
Jokes aside, warm or hot horchata is yummy
Screws are better for removal/replacement than nails, unless they’re stripped. And she’s gonna be doing it in the apartment where she can see what she’s doing. She should thank you
And what percentage of premiums will be going directly in his pocket?
Could be, it was an unprecedented situation. I’m also not sure if the water’s all connected and the folks using their house hoses took water from more strategic hydrants. And there’s perhaps a question to be asked about how hard it is under Prop 13 to pass property taxes for maintenance budgets.
Filibust everything.
By the time they’re done reaching it’s gonna look like they too are doing a Nazi salute.
They see Trump as the Second Coming, and wear his symbol on their foreheads, blinding themselves to the truth that he’s the antiChrist.
Tbf, the crops come to our communities. We love our fresh California produce. It sparks joy.
And the Palisades had enough water to drink and fill pools and grow landscape plants, and several people were hosing down their homes (a few died with hose in hand because the fire was way too strong for that and they should have evacuated but a lot of the rest of us made stupid decisions in the moment that just didn’t turn out as deadly.) but the real problem was that wind. They couldn’t do airdrops, the conflagration was too powerful. There was a problem with the hydrants, but honestly even if they’d been fully functioning it’s not clear if much more could have been saved. Altadena had plenty of water too, with working hydrants, but that maelstrom of fire was just crazy, man.
Willfully ignorant.
Personally I think he’s conflicted about it, because it’s a gesture of fealty to his fuhrerhood, but it took some media attention away from HIM.
LALALALALA!! I know I have to listen to journalist people summarize the shit he’s done because it’s the reality we need to oppose. But nobody who isn’t paid for it should have to listen to that mosquito whine.
Your fuhrer demands it!
Even Jon Stewart stopped short of actually saying “Nazi salute.” I was yelling at the screen “it was a fucking Nazi salute, SAY IT!”
I’m gagging on the phrase “Defending Women” in the context of anything done by this rapist and his misogynist forced-birther cronies. Especially as a cynical “justification” for denying/destroying the lives of nonbinary, trans and intersex people.
(Look at Melania’s Defense Hat, she knows who women need protection from.)
The asses’ milk would moisturize skin. I assume a water rinse though, because old milk stinks and could cause a yeast infection.
The asp was legendarily her choice to commit suicide, though it was probably an Egyptian Cobra, if it was a snake at all. (Asp bite death is slower and much more painful than cobra bite death.) I have a theory that the asp legend depends partly on the fact it’s easier to rhyme “asp” than Egyptian Cobra. As for snakebite in general, I note that male artists have universally portrayed the snake biting her on her bare booby. That’s not actually a good way to get the venom quickly to the heart/brain/lungs, because boobies are mostly fat, but it makes good