The attacking bots will surely be liking all your ‘buts’ ;-)
The attacking bots will surely be liking all your ‘buts’ ;-)
Window only faces internally so I’m okay w it not getting support
There is room some future proofing.
All your mobile devices connect directly to that Windows. Consider them ‘unsafe’. Consider Windows ‘unsafe’ as well.
‘unsafe’ + ‘unsafe’ = incubator for all kinds of trouble IMHO.
sour apple spray
Doesn’t it attract ants etc?
Don’t they use linux for their own servers LOL?
…and anywhere else in the world too. :)
When a car dumps this safety check, it’s illegal to drive unless the problem is fixed withing 14 days.
I like that. Unsafe vehicles on the street are public danger.
It’s weaker in Germany: 1 month to fix it, and if you fail that, you get fined, but you can still drive it for a while longer, and have more attempts to repair it.
Illegal here.
Poor countries where this is still legally possible.
Read about John Deere.
Two great manipulators in concert - Ouverture:
And so it has started. The endless series of headlines that all begin with the same boring name.
I’m going to downvote every single one.
But can it play TIC TAC TOE against itself?
It will go on like that for several years now. One shit show, and then the next one, and then the next three ones…
And so it begins…
… the years of daily headlines starting with “Shrimp …”
(or what’s his name again?)
deleted by creator
I don’t know any user benefit. FB is the plague.
In your scenario I think the user gets what other Us users get, because they use fingerprinting, this means they check more than just the IP.
I wonder how they determine what needs to be moderated under which country’s rules.
'They aren’t no garage startup anymore. They can afford enough lawyers in all countries to find it out.
Either a defective RAM or a physically broken (bent) mainboard.
Nah… vim users fight emacs users, but not nano users. Wrong league. We do not beat little children ;)
The standard (automated) attacker manipulates the ‘inside’ device first (for example, it executes a JavaScript) and makes it perform an attack on the WiFi router, to which the device is connected.
If the inside device is a windows pc and the WiFi router has it’s inside port open for administrative actions, this is an easy game. Millions of WiFi routers have been turned into bots this way.
In your case the WiFi router is windows. This is different from the usual plastic router, but still not really a safe situation.