Should keep it fresher since you should keep tea in air tight containers and it is more hygienic so good for workplaces. For home use I stick to loose leave teas.
Should keep it fresher since you should keep tea in air tight containers and it is more hygienic so good for workplaces. For home use I stick to loose leave teas.
I remember using NoScript extension ages ago for what I believe was at least a year. Occasionally sites had problems with loading certain elements even if I allowed 1st party scripts by default. It was way too often when I had to allow domains of various 3rd party scripts when I finally realized this workflow just sucks and benefit is so miniscule that I just got rid of it. Only blocking extension I am using right now is uBlock.
I know it does not matter, but it pains to see that perfectly normal comments like yours that add to conversation get downvoted just because some people do not agree with its narrative.
I could relate and have experienced at some point in my life all of these issues except that squeezing method. I personally just let tea bag in cup for 5 min or so and then squeeze it with my fingers when it is not boiling hot.