I have pretty good luck with usenet and lidarr. That is if you have some decent indexers. I usually find flac rips fairly easily. I realize that’s not torrent and it probably doesn’t help you much but I thought I’d throw that out there
I have pretty good luck with usenet and lidarr. That is if you have some decent indexers. I usually find flac rips fairly easily. I realize that’s not torrent and it probably doesn’t help you much but I thought I’d throw that out there
I did mention it was anecdotal. My memory hasn’t failed me. Yet
😆 people like me? I’m arguing against it. I never believed that. Or told anybody that. I did the opposite.
I also see this student loan thing being tossed around all the time. If people don’t intend to pay them back, then don’t take out a loan. It’s really that simple. Stay out of debt. I can’t stand banks. I loathe them. I refuse to owe a bank or anybody else for that matter any money. The public has been sold a lie. I used to be in a bad situation like what you’re describing. I woke up one day and told myself enough is enough. I’m sick of the debt. I’m sick of blaming everybody else for my shortcomings. I paid off all my debts, bought a house, paid that off and now I try and save as much as I can. I didn’t wait for anybody to rescue me. Nobody is gonna rescue me. The government, a bank, family. Nobody. I’m responsible for my own actions and I take accountability. The only way people can change their situation for the better is to think positively and work hard towards your goals. I don’t know of any other way.
I’ve heard that argument being made before. That people don’t think there is a better tomorrow. I suppose I could blame it partially on the doom scrolling people do daily on their phones. Personally speaking, I believe there are always opportunities and a better tomorrow.
Ok. I’ll bite. Even though I believe this conversation will go nowhere.
Differences I have seen in work ethic between the 90s and today:
Constantly complaining about being broke but refusing to work any overtime.
Refusing to do anything outside the scope of their job duties. Even if it’s something small and won’t take any extra time or energy off their current job duty.
Demanding or taking long breaks causing others to pick up their slack. And then acting like the victim.
Overly emotional about deadlines and jobs duties. Making decisions based on their feelings and not the job/project at hand.
People then would usually figure out solutions to problems without any supervision. Ingenuity was rewarded and favored. Today, people seem to prefer to be micro-managed. This could also be a change in employer culture as well.
Entitlement culture/attitude. More people today believe they are owed something without earning it. Hierarchical structures were more rigid, with clear distinctions between management and staff. Respect for authority was expected.
Employees were more likely to stay with one company for years or even decades, building loyalty and expertise within their organization.
I guess I could go on. And not all of this is due to employees, rather, management issues that have gotten worse over time. But I still believe the root cause is a negative change in people’s work ethic. This is obviously not all inclusive. These are just some examples of what I’ve noticed between now and then. I have been working full time since the 90s. Yes, it’s anecdotal. But you asked me. This is my opinion. It’s okay if people don’t agree with me. But I would find it hard to believe most people would disagree with all or some of these points especially if they have been working as long as I have.
I was there in the 90s. Working full time. There was a noticeable difference in the work ethic from then to today.
That might have worked then. Not so sure nowadays. The work ethic was different back then.
Edit: I didn’t realize the can of worms I opened up. Hopefully it stirs a little bit of constructive conversation. I realize I have an unpopular opinion here. That’s ok. I wish all of you a prosperous and content life. I’m not here to stir up hate. I simply expressed my opinion. I’ve learned a little about how passionate some of you are about this topic. I never thought I would start such a hornet’s nest.
Lobby and demand Italian authorities crack down on the piracy because “were losing money!” Only to figure out there still losing money. I could have saved them a lot of time and money by advising them of this.