That’s some masterclass side-stepping, bud! I’m done engaging with your attempts to minimize the atrocities of the Chinese government.
Case rested.
That’s some masterclass side-stepping, bud! I’m done engaging with your attempts to minimize the atrocities of the Chinese government.
Case rested.
Did the Chinese military kill innocent students protestors or not?
Answer the question without splitting hairs and distractions.
Did they, or did they not?
Now I am quite ready for you to disengage, shut down, and just yell and say I am a crazy person
Do you see a .ml after my name?
And if that’s the “normal response” you’re accustomed to, then maybe other people aren’t the problem.
No, my response is to end this now and to stop engaging in a discussion that is clearly pointless. I’ve said what needed be said on the matter.
I think that’s splitting hairs and a purposeful distraction from the point that the Chinese government’s murdered innocent people.
To say- “but it happened near the square, not AT it!” is nothing short of disingenuous.
And for the record, they said the west “made it up”. Misinformation at its finest.
And opinion and fact are also different. If you want to go find out for yourself and come back with proof, I’ll be happy to change my stance on the subject.
Until then, you’re offering nothing more that assumptions and opinions and posing them as factual evidence.
Rookie mistake, but forgiven.
Not arguing this anymore, so go ahead and have that coveted last word!
Are you seriously suggesting that the bloodbathed atrocities committed by the Chinese government on innocent student protestors in Tiananmen Square never happened?
I’m sure it’s still exponentially better than censoring all free speech and critical opinion, and only being fed what your government mandates you a need to know.
Go on… ask china how they feel about Tiananmen Square. Better yet, how about you go ahead and show me some material from all those North Korean comedians taking about how incompetent their government is.
Man… It really blows my mind how much lemmy is a microcosm of how shit is in the world.
You .ml folk sure like to come here and sling your shit in .world and pretend that things like free speech is somehow something to shit on, when you know damn well we can’t respond in kind in your house. It’s interesting how you all seem to enjoy the freedom you have here to say dumb shit every day- knowing that you have a safe space to run back to when people call you out.
Remember that.
Great. Then it’s established that neither of us have a dog in this race and know nothing about how it works enough to complain about or defend it- so maybe we should both admit we don’t know enough to opine on it.
(which was my plan all along)
How exactly is it harassing people to explain what voluntary means? And as far as I can see- they’re still voluntary.
Look dude, just because I’m pointing out that it is in fact, voluntary- that doesn’t mean I support it. I just favor empirical truth over emotional reaction and manufacturing outrage.
And if it turns out that I’m wrong, then I’ll be wrong. I’m not going to argue about it. So why don’t you stop harassing people?
And you can’t know for sure exactly how things work in voluntary prison work, yet assume to know. What you’re doing is basing your entire argument on an assumption derived from the logic of a “fun” quote from a book.
There is no evidence to support your assumption. And there is no evidence needed to support mine, as the burden lies ion you to prove I’m wrong. I’ll need something more substantial than fiction.
So…. Your evidence to the contrary is…. Fiction?
Well played. I guess I learned my lesson here.
Has no one explained to you how a volunteer system works? If not, let me help…
It means…… it’s optional
In addition, every hour, on the hour, a jackbooted wannabe PLA soldier that looks remarkably like they could be any random 15 year-old kid from Cleveland will be at your door to read- and mispronounce several paragraphs of The Communist Manifesto.
You say you’ve provided direct proof? What proof? Additionally, you haven’t confronted me on anything. I only just came in here to call out your nonsense.
Oh, and you know damn well that I’m not wrong. It’s easy to prove that .ml shuts down any narrative that casts a shadow on their broken-assed ideology. And if you even think to deny this, I’ll have you look at the modlogs as evidence.
Unfortunately though, here you remain, rattling on with your misguided rhetoric- arrogantly positing opinions and seemingly demanding to be taken seriously.
Suffice it to say, lemmy is a microcosm of the real would. It’s plain to see that the communist blathering of .ml is an attempted emulation of the countries they blindly worship. Which in and of itself would be fine. People should be allowed to be as foolish and ignorant as they chose. But the problem lies when they all come here accusing bias and unfair treatment.
Utterly mind-blowing it is! To see so many people that claim to hate America and westernized media spending so much of their time contributing to its success. In contrast…
Consider looking through my comment history. See how many times I’ve wasted my time posting or commenting in a .ml community. See how many times I’ve debated with people there. Then compare that to the overwhelming amount of time you spend here debating with people that will probably never agree with you.
Kind regards!