If my government the government that’s managed to weasel its way into power over the land on which I happened to be born proposed an initiative to tackle fraud, I would look for the catch, because it’s guaranteed there would be one.
If my government the government that’s managed to weasel its way into power over the land on which I happened to be born proposed an initiative to tackle fraud, I would look for the catch, because it’s guaranteed there would be one.
The dirty little secret of the DNC is that they don’t even really care about winning elections. They only want to keep the soft money flowing, and that requires never actually enacting any progressive policies, and if that means that they alienate voters and lose elections, that’s fine by them.
In fact, they sort of prefer to lose. If they win, then they’re stuck having to go through all sorts of bizarre contortions to somehow manage to continue to fail to do the things they promise their supporters they intend to do and they’re the ones stuck with the blame when the policies they enact on the behalf of the donor class inevitably make things worse for everyone else. Bit if they lose, they don’t have to actually do anything, and they get to fundraise on the need to stop the Republicans.
private Senate Democratic luncheon
And that pretty neatly sums up the whole problem right there.
All they can think to do us sit around and talk to each other, alternately lamenting the fact that the hicks in flyover country can’t seem to understand that they know what’s best for them and wondering what’s wrong with their "messaging "
Or an assembly line worker.
Or, quite possibly, it just struck me - a fruit picker or meat packer or motel maid or any of the other jobs that have traditionally been filled by undocumented immigrants.
Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that before, but that could well be why Trump is seemingly unconcerned about the economic impact of deporting the millions of people who have traditionally held the shitty, underpaid jobs nobody else will take - because the plan is to replace them with the new generation of private prison slaves…
And many, many more are going to follow, as Americans learn that they’re no longer free to criticize those in power.
And the day will actually come when the notion of someone just being fired for criticizing those in power will seem quaint, since it will then be far more likely that they’ll disappear - sucked up into the ever-hungry maw of the corporate police state slave system.
It’s likely not quite the case that treason has no consequences now.
Actual treason, no matter how egregious, has and will have no consequences if it benefits Trump.
But at the same time, it’s pretty much certain that the definition of “treason” is going to just be shifted a bit so that it only applies to opposition to Trump, but will include everything all the way down to just saying mean things about him. And that will very definitely have consequences, and quite often fatal ones.
They aren’t buying cryptocurrency - they’re buying influence. The cryptocurrency is just a front.
And so on, and so on…