No, satellite radio is not bi-directional.
They’re also cheap so many people buy more frequently and the older ones get exported overseas to less wealthy nations which is why you don’t see them here.
As for the blinking brake light, that is almost never done at the factory, it’s a symptom of our stupid dealership model where dealers will add useless aftermarket crap to differentiate themselves from other dealers of the same car. None of that would be needed if it was legal to buy directly from the manufacturer.
That’s not what’s happening though.
This explains so much
Donald Trump is Nicolas Cage in a wig and orange makeup, confirmed.
Me when the only thing I eat all day is weed and cheese.
The California DMV requires you to renew your vehicle registration every year by paying with a bank account number (no card) which is like a 30ish digit number and they disable paste. If you get it wrong they won’t notify you in any way until you get pulled over by a cop who is one bad sneeze away from murdering you. It’s a great system.
Your instance probably filters them from you.
After you
This needs to be pinned at the top: only a Nazi goes out of their way to put an 88 in their username. He thinks he’s clever by putting it in binary so people don’t immediately call him out. Nazis get off on that kind of “clever” dogwhistle.
How do you explain the 88 in his username? That’s not an American thing.
You honestly think that’s what he was going for? Someone who grew up in a culture pretty heavily insulated from that but steeped in “former” Nazi ties?
No he had plenty of time to educate himself but instead doubled and tripled down. Also his username ends in 88 which has been the most unsubtle Nazi dog whistle since the invention of usernames and the internet.
The source of this article is “Some Reddit users have speculated” which is like the polar opposite of evidence soooooo try again.
There has been no official announcement that such a change is coming, but Reddit commenters speculated that possibly the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was requiring a change to stop American TikTokers from using the app to influence Chinese citizens.
Got any evidence for this censorship claim? I’ll even accept dubious screenshots.
That seems like a really shitty design for that to even be possible.
Yes he fucking did. He called himself a “free speech absolutist” which was just a blatant lie just like every other sentence that has farted out of his Nazi lips.