Kids want attention, whether it’s negative or positive they want it.
Try to give her some undivided attention each day.
Tell her what you think about things but don’t nag.
Also dan1101@lemmy.world
Kids want attention, whether it’s negative or positive they want it.
Try to give her some undivided attention each day.
Tell her what you think about things but don’t nag.
Akso, drink as much water as you do alcohol.
And this should only apply to things Acer sells directly. If Amazon or Target import Acer products they are the ones that pay the tariff, not Acer.
If I’m getting a refund I file in late Feb or early March. If I owe then I file close to Apr 15. Why pay sooner than you need to?
There is fun to be had there. IIRC the gameplay and UI had some annoying parts. Like I don’t think there was any way to keep a favorite weapon after a mission.
That doesn’t sound good.
It didn’t bother me I was just sightseeing old FC5 locations and shooting bad guys.
I liked New Dawn more than I thought I would, played coop.
I get into one of the Epic giveaway games sometimes but the launcher always feels like an obstacle rather than an asset. It’s not software I enjoy using.
Yeah I canceled Prime last year after that crap. I had been a member for 10 plus years.
I think this is a married couple deciding not to walk through a relationship minefield together and it seems very reasonable. Yeah maybe he could be more open-minded but it is very nice of her to not rock the boat.
Maybe Spiderman one will get cheaper
I guess they don’t want it to be profitable then. Maybe over the next 10 years it will break even on Epic.
I don’t think it’s coop. I would have played it coop if it was.
Because I like to see the art that the game artists made, not AI interpretation of what should be in-between the frames. I’m not hung up on framerate, as long as it’s stable and above 30 I’m good.
Also Sniper Elite 4 and 5, and The Saboteur. The Saboteur has boobies and we can all agree on boobies.
Many of the citizens are okay, it’s most of the government you gotta worry about. But yeah I don’t blame you for quarantining that disease.
I always internally chuckle when my British friend says he’s going out to have a fag.
Yes, Bill Clinton.
It’s in the Democratic party platform, “ban assault weapons.” 90% of their party platform is fine but I don’t agree with that part. https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/2024_Democratic_Party_Platform_8a2cf8.pdf
I would have said Doom, but I think in the long run it’s Minecraft or Skyrim.