Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • I have done this twice! I felt so fucking powerful!

    I also like the game where there’s 1 second left on the clock from the last time you used it and you put something new in, but instead of clearing the clock you hit start and try to press the 30+ button before the initial 1 second timer is finished, thus tricking the microwave into believing that no time has passed, and that you are eternally heating the same cup of soup

  • Oh, this is so me! I learn some shit, I’m in a honey moon period on it and want to do nothing but talk about it endlessly, and then I get to a point where I hit a wall, I’ve learned as much as I can understand, anything beyond that level of knowledge requires other, more specialized knowledge, and I can’t realistically devote the time to it, and now I don’t even want to talk about it, because I feel like a fraud, as I know there’s a whole world of knowledge on the subject that just isn’t accessible to me

  • Absolutely not a China stan or anything. I’m pretty solidly against any government that allows the existence of billionaires. But judging a system by the amount of us dollars people live off of is a pretty metric. I have 100 monies, does that buy me a condo or a condom? I have 100 million monies, can I afford to eat tonight? Depends on the cost of living, the inflation rate, so many factors.

    What percentage of their populace is homeless, has access to clean water, has access to the Internet? Or if you’re dead set on using the amount of people living off a set amount of dollars, at least provide some info on what 10usd gets you in China, and if there’s a big difference depending on geography?

    Again, not a China stan, I think their censorship is shitty, I think their about as socialist as Nebraska, and that the Chinese government has hurt the socialist movement pretty severely by leaning into capitalism and abandoning any truly socialist ideals in exchange for international strength. In fairness, I’m also not a fan of the US. Just so you understand my position here. I’m not jumping to the defense of either, they certainly don’t need my help.

  • Because they did some stuff a while back with closed source code, and it scared me off. I’m not the most tech literate person, so I mainly base my stuff off what the open source nerds tell me to do. With a password manager in particular I wanted to be on something open source, because I don’t trust big corpos not to backdoor into my shit, especially since I don’t really understand how it works and don’t know how to keep myself safe other than listening to people who know more than I do. So when the open source folks started saying get off bitwarden, I did, because I saw what happened with other password managers that had leaks and hacks. Plus, I wanted a vpn anyway (and now actually need one if I want to watch porn in my Christofascist state), and they only charge me like 20 bucks for everything.