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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • I think you’re talking about a number of things that have nothing to do with each other. Yes, communists and anarchists have the “just one thing” in common and don’t seem to understand anacyclosis (i.e. all political systems are unstable and flow into each other), but both are a response to the current system. It is not a coincidence that the tea party and occupy walls. Communists accept that governments are going to take over everything, so if that’s going to happen, it should work for the people (it won’t…it will just make it more abusive and self righteous). Anarchists see government abuses and think that getting rid of governments will fix things (it won’t, it just replaces abused laws with “might makes right”). Each are pushing in different directions of anacyclosis and each will fail. So far, the most stable political system is a mixed system that contains multiple systems, but even this seems on the verge of collapse.

    WRT Open source, it’s not about communism. It actually encompasses many contradictory political theories. Even the self proclaimed commie himself, Richard Stallman had no issues with selling open source programs or paying for maintenance, so there is some nuance you’re missing even for the open source commies. Let’s not even mention the more nuanced views of Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux). I’ve been using Linux since the 1990s when it was real bear to use. I did it because I was feed up about being controlled and spied on and nickel and dimed and planned obsolescence. Plus i wanted to know how it worked. I could take a Unix programmer from 1980 and drop him in front of modern Unix and he could start producing useful code. There’s no way I could do that on Windows. Linux is good because it’s motive for existence is usability, not profit even though profit can enter into the equation. Yes, you may have to pay for something advanced now, but if it’s needed and if it’s not niche, it will eventually be developed by open source and create a more advanced ecosystem upon which more innovation can be build and paid for if it is good enough.

    WRT Lemmy, it depends on which forums you visit. On my forums, I tend to see more apolitical and privacy focused people (i.e. they don’t want their info shared to the collective), so your impression may say more about you than Lemmy. WRT Nostr, look at the top 20 tags for any week of the year. Over three quarters have to do with either Bitcoin or Nostr. Yes, other topics exist but for the most part Nostr is a bitcoin maxi echo chamber that tries to chase away all non-Bitcoin conversations. It’s being ruined for any non-bitcoin usage.

    WRT cloudflare, agreed, even the monero.town owner agrees so it’s not about ideology. He said he’s not technical enough to know another solution since not using cloudflare resulted in weeks of downtime. Give him a hand on a solution…you can even open up a CSS to fund this work, and you can be sure this will be taken care of since cloudfare prevents Tor from being used.

    Regardless, the world is complex. If you see the world as “Just my one thing” alone, you might be a victim of your own analysis.

  • Kewbit, if you look at my previous response, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and encouraged you to get an emotionally intelligent friend to tell your side of the story. If this is the response, it’s clear that whether or not you were sincere about completing Haveno mobile and whether or not you wished to scam, you’re far too petty an immature to work on the CSS, so the CSS was correct in its decision to close the CSS. It is a pity since Haveno mobile is a much needed part of the XMR ecosystem and I hope someone completes it.

    As for BasicSwapDEX, the code is finicky and is difficult to install but it does what it says it does. It needs a lot of improving for the newbie to get right but it does work and it does have liquidity. I’d say it’s about six months away from being as competitive as Haveno, and its potential for automation makes it a worthy part of the XMR ecosystem. If BasicSwapDEX mobile could ever be developed, it would be even more competitive.