thats kind of how it starts, individuals have different thresholds for migrating. its fine for it to take time. =)
thats kind of how it starts, individuals have different thresholds for migrating. its fine for it to take time. =)
ah sorry 8 days ago. ;) my point about self-pity was in reference to your original assertion about there not being realistic paths forward. didnt mean to imply anyone here was. point was that just because you dont consider a path realistic doesn’t mean it isnt.
uh huh and what side of the fence is that? and what side am I on apparently? and who precisely is wallowing in self pity?
it’s a matter of ‘violence costs lives’ and you don’t change a system to one that you prefer and most other people don’t without organised and persistent violence
uh huh, and who are most people in this situation? because most people seem very fine with mr thompsons death. otherwise the media moguls wouldn’t be spending their breath trying to tell people it wasnt okay.
Zuckerberg, trump’s new butt boy, announces meta will stop fact checking.
there are well known distribution lists that people add servers to that these things periodically fetch and use to perform the blocking.
basically they hijack dns resolution to return does not exist errors when requests are sent to the tracking systems. highly effective, but also many sites are negatively impacted by them because no one codes for failure in the web industry.
it can be fixed but would require herculean engineering efforts, the biggest problem atm is the canvas. most of the other things can be fixed via defaults that are returned to the webapps unless explicit permission to access them is granted. like there is never a reason to return errors for session storage if its disable. just return a memory implementation that doesn’t persist beyond the window life. little changes like that would go a long way to removing the bits of information.
na you’re just making assumptions instead of reading what is actually said. I have not made a statement about what paths I personally support, only that unless you take action personally non-sense about the practicality of a particular idea is self defeating. there are always challenges and struggles the point is to surmount them not wallow in self pity. again pointing to a personal issue with the person claiming impracticality. not with the person proposing and ideally taking action on a path.
No, I just have no interest in dicussing a topic like this with a random on the internet where it won’t matter. very different. enjoy your day time being ineffectual.
all paths are practical and actionable, if you take action. but thats a you issue not a me or others issue. someone recently showed you a path to take that is effective and simple to do on your own. you’re just not willing to consider it.
as i said you’re not willing to consider them as clearly demonstrated by trying to push the responsibility for these issues onto others.
there are paths you’re just not willing to consider them.
because many people are uncomfortable with change and having women suddenly appearing more frequently thatn their use to upsets them. You’ll find this fear of the unknown a very common source of much stupidity.
You’re not over reacting. It is that fucked up. welcome to the insanity.