I guess it depends on if they are actually designing any of their own hardware. I was assuming they were, but now that you mention it, yeah why would they.
I guess it depends on if they are actually designing any of their own hardware. I was assuming they were, but now that you mention it, yeah why would they.
If GrapheneOS doesn’t look like it will meet your needs, LineageOS w/microG may be best for you.
The main issue is that the learning curve is higher to get it to a state that’s a balance between security and privacy. You have to learn how to install it for your device, set up root with Magisk or the like, install modules that allow your device to pass/bypass google’s SafetyNet Device Assestation, install the module to avoid connecting to google via GPS, set up AdAway, AFWall, Blocker, LSPosed if needed, and get android auto set up if needed. That’s not even including all the device-specific tweaks you’ll end up needing/wanting, or how to manage updates. It’s a lot of work, but in the end you get a phone that acts like a computer you control instead of an “appliance” that works against you.
So Proton ditched Mastodon but is still on Twitter, aka the Nazi cesspool, and Reddit. Both US propaganda platforms with heavy censorship.
Bad, bad move.
I have been defending Andy Yen’s idiotic comments because he’s not American and doesn’t understand the hyper-reactive nature between US Americans and US politics (because our government is literally run by nazis now), but this decision isn’t helping; it will fuel and reinforce the negative image already held by those who have canceled their accounts and those who are on the fence.
This is just…not accurate.
My current phone has 12GB and quite frankly it’s amazing to have that much!
I know 16GB seems ridiculous, but with LLMs gaining popularity, running one locally on a phone really needs at least 8GB, and 16GB would be much better.
I think it’s just the way things are going.
Their shipping estimate sounds like a pipe dream. There is no way this ships in March, or April, or probably even May.
Never, ever put your money into an Indiegogo project. It’s not investing, as you don’t earn any money. It’s not purchasing, as there are no guarantees of products finishing or shipping. You also don’t have any consumer protections or rights, even if the project violates Indiegogo’s terms of service and commits fraud, unless you reside in the same country as the company leading the project.
Don’t ask me how I know; I am still bitter.
Edit: Hardware-wise, this phone is doing a lot right: microSD, headphone jack, sim slots, NFC, and what seems to /maybe/ be a user-replacable battery without needing a new water seal on the back of the case after opening it up. IMO it falls short on RAM (16GB is the new minimum and this phone only has 8) and they used a screen with a freaking notch in it.
Software-wise, they don’t seem to be doing anything new, except for offering a somewhat ready-to-go product that tried to de-google Android. This could be nice for people who don’t want to spend weeks or months learning how to secure their phones themselves.
Also keep in mind that AT&T (and I believe Verizon too) do not approve of any new devices with unlocked bootloaders on their network, and as such, this phone does not support the full range of bands used by these companies. Of the three main cell network providers in the US, only T-mobile allows full access to all their bands with devices that ship with official unlockable bootloaders.
Sheets? For the washing machine? Wouldn’t those require a plastic shell or base like the laundry pods do?
About ten years ago I found and ordered a glass bottle with a fitted silicone lid. It’s not tight enough that the bottle can be tipped upside down without the water slowly dripping out, but it’s great for keeping stuff out.
I always wanted to see a company make a glass bottle with silicone top that was completely leak-proof.
I think it’s for anti-tampering purposes. Imagine the consequences if some bad actor tainted those pills with something or replaced the pills with another.
There is an app called Private Lock that will put the phone in lockdown if the accelerometer is triggered to a certain degree. It can work even when the screen is off.
It doesn’t look like this has been updated for 6 years. Does it still work on Android 14/15, or is there another newer app that does this?
Oh right! And I forgot that an app called AfWall+ also blocks network connections on a per-app basis and can be active all the time. There’s even a magisk module called ‘afwall boot antileak’ so that nothing gets network access before AfWall does.
The only realtime active firewall I can find for Android is NetGuard, but because of the way Android works it uses a VPN connection.
I guess what I am saying is that running an active firewall 24/7 on an Android device isn’t practical for most people, and blocking connections at the router level only works until you leave home, unless you set up your phone to automatically VPN back to your house when your phone disconnects from your home wi-fi.
But yeah, FUTO and Heliboard are both excellent!
This is inaccurate. The reality is that the company promises that searches aren’t saved and there is no search history associated with your account.
The problem is that we have no way to verify that is actually true. It requires trust.
I use Kagi. I pay $5/month for 300 searches. I am acutely aware of the fact that my searches might not be completely private.
They still offer the most accurate search results of any any search engine since ~2008 Google.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It’s been (IMO) illegally used and weaponized against the US American people for decades. ICE constantly uses unconstitutional tactics to detain, interrogate, and hurt people.
You can turn off javascript to get around the pop-up.
Not exactly, no. For instance, I don’t use the Google Play store (i use Aurora Store instead), but I have gotten Android Auto working on my phone. What Google features you’ll be able to get working also depend on the device and android version.