This is the crux of it. People are so used to getting away with “bravely” parroting Western Cold War propaganda that even the mildest push-back is experienced as a massive affront.
This is the crux of it. People are so used to getting away with “bravely” parroting Western Cold War propaganda that even the mildest push-back is experienced as a massive affront.
Okay Judge Judy 👍
Given that a few hundred people died, I think it’s safe to assume that government agents must have killed at least some nonviolent protesters, yes. I don’t know anyone who’d dispute that.
Quite a few of the people killed were unarmed military & police, which means that at least some of the “peaceful” protesters were not as peaceful as Western media portray them.
People did get killed, but no one died in the Square, and calling it a “massacre” is a stretch. Here are some NSFW/NFSL images and here is a video what actually went on with tank man (who blocked tanks from leaving the square, not entering it).
Or Trump keeps extending it or the newly formed Congress rolls back the law or the corrupt Supreme Court changes its mind or or or.
They entire US government is a game of oligarchic Calvinball.
Are going to spend the rest your life shitposting about while reposting’s memes?
This is your new life’s mission?
Yeah… I don’t think you’re the expert on China censorship you present yourself as.
I think you just regurgitated every piece of Cold War propaganda & every rumor about Chinese censorship that you’ve ever heard.