If a PC is my property the first thing I do is delete windows. But now-a-days I nearly never use hardware that I own.
If a PC is my property the first thing I do is delete windows. But now-a-days I nearly never use hardware that I own.
OMGosh did Jeep finally do that? I f’n told them there is no way this would end up good for them.
They set me up a new Remote Desktop at work, and I couldn’t use it to do my work because OneDrive was trying to sync the whole contents of my Desktop to that machine, when that machine exists primarily to do work that is too network intensive to do from home effeciently.
Why the downvotes?
Yeah that doesn’t work when you live in a rural area.
It’s as anonymous as you are willing to be, vpn (through a vpn) over i2p, or clear text, it’s up to you.
This is the way
It’s called sharing, not stealing, my brother in Christ. ;-
I wish I could give you 100 upvotes
Fuck that guy!
so if the majority want fascism it can’t be a democracy? I thought democracy was majority rule. Can it not be that majoirty rule itself IS the issue?
government is so weird There, fixed it for ya.
By every definition of democracy I’m familiar with the Republic of India is a democratic government. Do you think it’s not? If so, why not?
The largest democracy in the world. Democracy is majority rule so unless the majority are firm about not wanting this no reason for the government to prevent it. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of Indians are in favor of such things.
No need to touch a config file? What’s the fun in that?