Honestly I’ll believe it when I see it. They have always fallen in line.
Well I can see this is no longer going to be productive,
Says the guy that gleefully admitsbrags about calling people nazis lol.
Oh and you still feel the need to provoke and slap. Still haven’t taken that look in the mirror huh.
LMAO see I was being polite and giving you a small out, and you said “no no no I was being very rude” as if that helps you. Oh god. And then you say “humble yourself” lol. Wow you need to look in the mirror. Open your mind and look in the mirror. With fresh eyes, and look in the mirror.
It’s a reach that something can be interpreted as it was stated?
I can retrospect. Hopefully you can too because I’m going to hold up the mirror. All of the following is your thinly veiled actions (plausible deniability anyone?).
First, thinly veiled, you likened me stating people misinterpreted my question to how people are banned typically after really going off on mods. Whether you agree or not on people misinterpreting a question, those things are miles apart. Second, you, thinly veiled again, likened me to Musk. Do I need to explain the negativity of that association? Third, you, again thinly veiled, essentially said I was covering making rapist comments by trying to have plausible deniability. Fourth, you, again thinly veiled, essentially said I was covering making rapist comments by saying I was trying to be clever about it. And the doozy, fifth. Again thinly veiled, you liken me to people talking about the third Reich. Like wow. If that Nazi connotation from Elon wasn’t enough, you really pulled out a doozy there. That is a crystal clear pattern of you attacking people by likening them to other people. All thinly veiled connotations so that you can later say you didn’t actually make the connection (you know, plausible deniability). Or maybe you were doing it so that if I said anything, you could say “are you interpreting differently??” like a gotcha. I could explain that one too, maybe next time.
You took every chance you could to provoke, slap, and escalate. You are no longer trying to have a conversation when try to liken someone to Nazis, you just want to slap. Don’t worry I’m not provoked. I just urge you to think about that.
And inb4 misreading I’m saying this not because I’m provoked or mad, I’m saying this because your pattern is clear. You want me to reflect, and I want you to reflect.
If someone can’t see what the literal words say then… there are bigger problems. Which may actually explain things.
It’s odd that you think I raged. I observed.
I can see. But if people have a choice to interpret something as 1) that a question about fashion is in fact an innocuous question about fashion, or 2) that he’s obviously a rapist and victim blaming and I’m going to call him a rapist (when the entire tone of the thread and community is not serious), the problem that I see is that Lemmy is quick to misinterpret in the worst way possible.
And oddly enough, he was the person to escalate with that accusation, and I was the one to explain it.
LOL no I wasn’t joking around (about rape or anything else). It was a legit, straightforward question about fashion. And no he wasn’t joking, it was a pretty clear accusation.
Reaction? If you see a simple question in a shitposting community, with the image of a fashion choice that is unconventional, and think “Hmm should I interpret this as a question about fashion as he asked, or should I interpret this as he’s a rapist and trying to be clever about it”, if you default to thinking that the other person is obviously a rapist (as you seem to have, saying that I’m seeking plausible deniability and try to associate me with Musk and trying to be clever with rape lol), then holy fuck, and frankly that’s on you. That was your reaction. Like you have to really out there to default to “he’s obviously a rapist”. You need to be better.
Honestly this is the perfect example of how Lemmy has a ravenous need to misinterpret. You just did it yourself.
The context of the post: 196 which is essentially a shit posting and take nothing serious community. Yeah that context. And that it was a straight question about what she was wearing, fashion wise since you really need to hear it. So thank you for demonstrating the exact problem!
I just got called a rapist! For asking wtf she was wearing, fashion wise. (On a non rape story just to be clear). I also wonder why I’m still here. Y’all need to be better.
There’s a dongle for that!
FInAlLy tHe EnD oF wOkIsMn!1
And who do they pay taxes to? Russia. JFC why do I bother. Ciao.
If you haven’t noticed there’s a war going on. This is the weirdest conversation I’ve had, at best you’re playing the fool. I’m out.
You know, almost entirely staffed by Russians (outside of Latvia), the executive suite is Russian, shareholders are Russian, etc.
Like have you guys never heard of companies being “headquartered” in the Cayman Islands?
If you haven’t noticed Trump says a lot of things. He’s always talking out of both sides of his mouth. I’ll believe it when I see it, we’ll see tomorrow. Also, a delay is not overturning it.
I think this was less about lobbying and more about bogeyman of China.
Why does everyone think Trumps going to allow Tiktok. He doesn’t like China, and Musk is going to push him to ban it so he can buy it.