Wow! Look at that massive beast with one Horn! I bet it weighs as much as a house, How would you even describe that thing?
Hmmm, it’s a gay horse.
Wow! Look at that massive beast with one Horn! I bet it weighs as much as a house, How would you even describe that thing?
Hmmm, it’s a gay horse.
I’m starting to think that unicorn was just a horse with a dildo.
Mine installs programs with easy to understand pop up prompts that replaces text files and filing.
We progressed so much in the future, now we throw the scientist’s and engineer’s into the pit of despair along with the philosophers.
Thanks a lot because you didn’t donate Trump is now investigating PBS’s investors, this is all your fault.
Shiting the floor and not being able to comprehend English would give me a long face to.
Don’t get too high and mighty, you’re doom scrolling like everyone else.
You think this is bad after he created the planck length he had to change his name to Min Planck.
At this point we should just swing to 10 gbps sfp+ ports, it’s faster, it’s lower latency, it’s upgradable to 100gbps, it travels over fiber, but most importantly, it is a network protocol and we can use it for our Internet.
Dang, as a man I deeply respect your point of view and and did this witty and charming, shame that doesn’t matter.