I read millions of “monkey” instead of “money” and was trying to understand if you were insulting browser developers or implying that thousands monkeys could to do the same work as a developer
I read millions of “monkey” instead of “money” and was trying to understand if you were insulting browser developers or implying that thousands monkeys could to do the same work as a developer
Sometimes I do, when I have particularly funny and enjoyable conversation with my friends, or ones with my SO that become important for our relationship, but I find myself doing it less and less, don’t really know why.
I understand how you feel. The first step to reduce the frustration is to try and give it less importance: as you said yourself, it’s not falling in love, it’s just infatuation. Your brain is confusing attractiveness to another person (physical or romantic) for a deep connection that doesn’t come at first sight (despite what movies and tv would make you believe) but develops in time.
You will be attracted to a lot of people in your life (assuming you’re not aromantic or asexual) and, with time, you’ll realize if you went deeper in many of these situation, the attraction would disappear, because the shallow opinion you have of a person you are not dating is very difficult to get right, and usually filtered positively by your monkey brain that just wants to formicate.
Of course trying and deepening these attractions would help you realizing this, which might not be easy if you have difficult approaching other people, but try and reflect on similar situations in the past and think about them cold-hearted: to how many people are you still infatuated? Don’t you see now the “bad things” that you brain was hiding and that don’t make you two really compatible?
Eventually it just becomes a nuisance. I don’t know if you can change it, but you can accept it and it will bother you less if you understand the mechanism behind it.
Maybe you just feel affection-starved and in these situations it’s easy to attach to ideas of relationships rather than real ones. Nothing weird of course, everybody do it is some way or another. It’s a combination of social brain and (according to your comnents) low self-esteem.
Of course these are my 2 cents according to personal experience, a therapist would you help you more with that.
Not saying any of these would cause WW3, but remeber that, depending on who you ask, WW2 started:
there is no single point of start for a war, just many actions of variable intensity that escalate
Hdd can live a long and happy life, but absolutely don’t trust a single drive ever, independently of how rugged, old or expensive it is.
My main hard drive lasted 5 years with 1 year of power on hours, working fine and suddenly failed. It was a good fail because I was able to get all the data from it, but it took almost one month for how slow it was.
Always assume your data storage is going to die tomorrow and be ready to replace it.
Because web browsers are stupidly complicated and expensive to maintain. The only real competitor is google who has infinite money to maintain the chrome superiority and you need resources to maintain safety, fix bugs, and adhere to new standards, which get every time more complex (also thanks to google that doesn’t want competitor). You need a lot of budget for that.