Hello, tone-policing genocide-defender and/or carnist 👋

Instead of being mad about words, maybe you should think about why the words bother you more than the injustice they describe.

Have a day!

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Nice!

    Well, my favorite is Helix – a text editor. But it’s a TUI in the same way that vim is a TUI, and being that it’s a text editor, you’re likely to have very strong opinions about whatever your current favorite editor is. Which is totally fine. I’m not looking to start any editor wars.

    Here are some others:

    • jellyfin-tui: nice Jellyfin music player
    • managarr: manages Sonarr and Radarr servers
    • wiki-tui: probably goes without saying what this one does 😁
    • synd: an RSS reader
    • yazi: file manager

    I use way more than just those. If you do find that some TUIs may be useful, there are a bunch more here. If not, I’m still interested in what behaviors you find off-putting about TUIs. Maybe I can incorporate that feedback for TUIs that I write :)

  • It’s just an easy thing to contrast against.

    Electron is one of the slowest, clunky, memory-hogging ways to have a UI, and TUIs are the exact opposite. I don’t care if (name of company that ships Electron slop here) can ship your software webpage masquerading as software to more systems more easily. If your messaging “app” has input lag when I type something, it’s a dogshit experience.

    Of course, there are ways to ship GUIs that aren’t all of the things wrong with Electron, but comparing TUIs with those is less interesting and more a question of if the person likes to live in their terminal or not.