do you want an hour-long video essay on the Angry Video Game Nerd? No, of course you don’t. Who would want that?
I don’t read my replies
do you want an hour-long video essay on the Angry Video Game Nerd? No, of course you don’t. Who would want that?
For those who read the article and are curious: “Object rape” under Utah law refers to the instrument of penetration, not the victim.
Sony had like 10 subscription/ live service games in the pipe when Concord flopped. All canceled now.
Evey games developer want’s a fortnite but they can’t understand that multiple games designed to maximize player investment and dominate their time can’t coexist.
The only reason to honor Bob Lee is because he’s responsible for more dead slavers than any three Union generals.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1M
This command is much faster. Instead of random bits, it just marks everything zero (dude). Is good enough.
The AI that sets your health insurance policy is going to be way deadlier than the one that has a gun.
These days, Ice Cube knows more about wine parings than he does about crime and poverty.
Boy it’s great we don’t have a social credit system like they do in communist China!