Zapit wallet has a play to earn game called zappy bird. One should pass every obstacles in the game to earn more points. The rewards are $ZRP tokens. Depending on your score and rank are the number of tokens you will receive.
How to swap ZRP into BCH.
The $ZRP token you received are can be swap into satoshis (BCH) on cauldron.
*Select ZRP token.
*Input the quantity of token that you want to swap (Should be on top of BCH).
The amount of satoshis will automatically appeared once you put the quantity of token.
*Click “SWAP”
– satoshis will be added instantly to your balance on cauldron.
Have fun playing…
Tips/Donation: bitcoincash:qq9djh62lkfllaa6vr8uz3g2v6l29ueungtftpdskl
Zapit: chubschubs
Yes, good thing that it’s easy to swap any token for BCH.