Last night I created a post here about CashStamp… It is a BCH gift you can create and send to someone. It can be claim by scanning the QR code using a wallet who supported it like Selene wallet or a QR code reader maybe.
So today, I successfully created my first CashStamp… Not sure if it will work or if I did it correctly so I posted it on tangled and wait for someone to try scanning it… And It works, one user on tangled successfully claimed the satoshis on that CashStamp.
Creating one is actually easy, now that I know how. You just need to input the desired amount you want, make sure it’s BCH, you can changed the expiration date. Next is click “Fund Stamp” … a QR code will appear for you to scan and send the fund needed, then your CashStamp will successfully appeared. You have a choice to print it or just screenshot it, then send to someone.
Create a CashStamp using this link👇
Using Selene wallet, it’s fast to scan and claim👍
Tips / Donation: bitcoincash:qzhewpcf62lxlt5m223kc20q76lj2yu23gkclcq9zn
Zapit username: chubschubs
Cool. Is it possible to get street vendors or coffee shops in your area to accept BCH?
That might be challenging. I think they need to know BCH first or learn few things about it before they can try accepting BCH as mode of payment on their business.
Yes, and you can teach them? Get them to download a wallet? Show them Buy something small with bch?
I can teach those people I know, my friends or family. But if it’s a big group of people, I might need more courage to do that😅
I can send you cashstamps to use for tipping merchants.
I don’t think I’m ready teaching or introducing BCH to merchants. I’m also busy at work, so
Ok, but we can send you free bch for your time. And extra to get .merchants to try cashstamps?
I’m not sure, I don’t think I can do this or handle this while working😟