Stuff like a pretty case with slots for optical drives, a laptop with a shitton of ports and all-day battery life or anything else that seems to go against the trends.

This thread is for complaining about how you can’t find it and (maybe) finding it thanks to someone else.

    29 days ago

    some cheap all-in-ones i’ve worked on have hdmi in and out.

    one of 'em i have here is an old atom celeron dell aio with 1600x900 native screen but on its hdmi input, it’ll run at 1920x1080. and yea, running that instead of its true native res sucks about as bad as you think it would–but it is still ‘usable’. the real sucky bit, though, is the pc has to be on in order to switch it to hdmi in.

    a lenovo aio that went through here a couple years ago had to be rebooted to switch it from hdmi input mode (acting as a standalone monitor) back to pc.