I’m about to play Back 4 Blood, the “spiritual successor” to Left 4 Dead.

This game has mixed reviews. And based on comments, it looks like the online co-op and PvP is dead.

Now whenever I see blowback on games like this, I wonder if it’s because Back 4 Blood is simply not exactly like Left 4 Dead even though it was made by the same developers. It’s what I like to call the Yooka-Laylee Phenomenon.

Or is this more like the Mighty No. 9 Phenomenon where, it’s not so much the spiritual successor isn’t exactly like the original, but nowhere near as good as the original?

Hard to say without playing.

I do notice that, for whatever reason, Steam reviewers tend to privilege indie releases over AAA titles. So that might be something to do with it too.

I don’t know. This is all conjecture from someone who’s yet to play it yet. However, last Steam sale, I bought this for C$3.99 – which was 95% off. So how bad can it really be?

Well, you know what they say – YOLO!


  • Fizz@lemmy.nz
    16 days ago

    I got it for $5 on sale and refunded it after 30mins.

    The movement felt awful and the colourful lighting effects were out of place. Not my cup of tea at all. I still like the first 2 and go back and play them.