Zapit Wallet is a crypto wallet that allows you to send and receive money across the world, anywhere you are.
It’s fast, convenient, secure, and with low transaction fee.
Zapit wallet has many others features you should try.
P2P Exchange Allows you to send or receive cryptocurrency like BitcoinCash, Polygon, Avalanche, Ethereum, and Tether.
Play to Earn Try their game called “Zappy Bird”… Enjoy and earn. The higher your score and rank, the higher reward you will get. The reward you will get is $ZRP, it’s a Cashtoken that you can swap or exchange into satoshis (BCH).
Zapit wallet is not just a cryptocurrency wallet but also for Cashtokens. You can also send or receive tokens using your token address. Note: Some tokens might not appear on your wallet especially those unverified one. What you need to do is… *Click filter on the upper right corner of your screen
- Click “Show / Hide Assets”
- On those under unverified tokens “Fungible Tokens” and “Non-Fungible Tokens”
Tips / Donation: bitcoincash:qzakccyz83hvu24uncf76xn0ckr78nhl9g75d0qmdn
This is what we called one of the best wallet that supports #BCH … think of having a $BCH crypto wallet that supports other crypto then earn some Cashtoken while playing and doing some task… Every $BCH lovers should have this $ZAPIT wallet in their phone or PC…
Truly one of the best BCH wallet. Hoping I can download it again. Though I can still use my account there using cashonize, but still I want to play the zappy bird hehe.
Maybe you could Dload it when you could buy a new phone from BitcoinCa$h…
But my phone is still new and working fine. I’d rather choose to use the money in more important things or save it for future.
That’s just my opinion sis… We all have our own decisions to make and what is best for us…
I understand it actually😊
Thanks for accepting my suggestion friend Chubs, it’s very helpful to us who have Zapit wallet!
Hopefully it will help new users of zapit wallet and give them some ideas on how it works.
@chubs be sure to use YOUR zapit affiliate link when inviting other to join zapit. You can earn $ZRP rewards for each verified user that you sign up!!!
Unfortunately I don’t have zapit app already cause it’s not compatible anymore to my phone.
Oooooooh, yeah… I will send you a tip!
Oh wow, thank you so much.
You got it, yes? You can still open wallet with other apps?
Got it, thank you again. Yes, I imported my seed phrase to cashonize so I can still received or send BCH and Cashtokens.