Bruh, Giovanni isn’t getting his ass outta bed at 1am to whip me up the drunkenness abolishing disaster that is a late night Domino’s order, including all the extras of course I don’t just want a pizza I want lava cake and bread sticks and cheesy bread and maybe a pasta bread bowl. I’ll take a few bites of everything and pass out on the couch to wake up in the morning pleasantly surprised that drunk me was thoughtful enough to order us pizza for breakfast.
Bruh, Giovanni isn’t getting his ass outta bed at 1am to whip me up the drunkenness abolishing disaster that is a late night Domino’s order, including all the extras of course I don’t just want a pizza I want lava cake and bread sticks and cheesy bread and maybe a pasta bread bowl. I’ll take a few bites of everything and pass out on the couch to wake up in the morning pleasantly surprised that drunk me was thoughtful enough to order us pizza for breakfast.