I wonder if that’s Willow Run, I was just there. Totally would have lied about the planes to her. No on second thought this has hard barriers around the planes, WR there’s nothing.
I wonder if that’s Willow Run, I was just there. Totally would have lied about the planes to her. No on second thought this has hard barriers around the planes, WR there’s nothing.
I had a teacher during sex ed start yelling about how you gotta work on and please your lady not a “wham bam thank you ma’am”, his words. Now not in 7th grade sex ed it wouldn’t have been so weird. Same teacher had a diabetic fit and started yelling and writing E over and over while grading our tests.
30 seconds of googling shows me that women can still breastfeed with nipple piercings. I would question any of the info he gave me about anatomy.
No, it’s normal for people to not want their wife to go off without them and be naked with people.
Seriously they’re going with the where are your papers shtick. I am definitely going to get arrested by the end of this.
I had an issue but I got signed up like 20 minutes ago.
Don’t even entertain the name with a joke. That’s lending it legitimacy.
I won’t associate with those fascist.
44 is a ripe old age for a crocodile hunter. -Norm
I used to lurk in s homemade gun forum back in the 00’s. My favorite was the yooper assault rifle made out of 2x4’s and hydraulic tubing with a grease nipple primer holder.
The volunteers at my local air museum all were just excited about the planes and the little demos they had. They also had a huge Rosie the Riveter section because it was the bomber plant filled with ladies building planes to kill Nazis.