BCHROGER will be another source of income for users. They will get tipped BCH. Also, we can monetize the website with google adsense so we can generate revenues. The main question is how we can attract investors so they invest on the project?
I am fan of RogerVer vision. I have a dream that BCH is global coin used by the whole world
BCHROGER will be another source of income for users. They will get tipped BCH. Also, we can monetize the website with google adsense so we can generate revenues. The main question is how we can attract investors so they invest on the project?
Thank you Cash Dragon for info. How do l start?
How l do it ?more info please
Thank you , this is best place l feel that l express my ideas with total freedom. Bitcoin cash will win 🥰
Wow 😍 this is a great masterpiece . I love the beginning. Yes Roger ver bitcoin cash is the real gold.
Hope you add the site link so all members can learn
How l need more instructions ? How l do it ?