While this is hilarious, likely because it’s true. Dudes going after SSRI’s. SSRI’s saved my life. AND after using them for years I simply slowly reduced my dosage over about a month and I was off them and now only use them as an emergency pill if something really stressful or bad happens it keeps me from getting too emotionally raw and ragged. I have a supply to likely last me years so this doesn’t impact me. It worries me for the people the SSRI’s could help, but he wants to keep the drugs a way from.
I as a video game enthusiast do not want my character to experience romance. It doesn’t happen in real life the way it is portrayed in media, and it’s fucking boring seeing it over and fucking over again. Gimme tragedy, gimme a problem I can solve, a mystery, or a war to fight. But romance, and sex, have not a damn place in those things. Developers of apparently every damn media have gotten it drilled into their heads that we want to read, watch, play thru, and otherwise experience their mental masturbation. Well I for one, don’t fucking want to experience it at all. Gimme a story, and if you can’t do it without pointless sex scenes then you don’t have a fuckin story, you have a story about fuckin.