Blocked from posting on lopsided posts. The system wants to demonize half the population and infantilize the other. I’ll post when it draws a crowd. Why waste the forums I’m not blocked from. Uncomfortable truths are free.

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2024

  • I as a video game enthusiast do not want my character to experience romance. It doesn’t happen in real life the way it is portrayed in media, and it’s fucking boring seeing it over and fucking over again. Gimme tragedy, gimme a problem I can solve, a mystery, or a war to fight. But romance, and sex, have not a damn place in those things. Developers of apparently every damn media have gotten it drilled into their heads that we want to read, watch, play thru, and otherwise experience their mental masturbation. Well I for one, don’t fucking want to experience it at all. Gimme a story, and if you can’t do it without pointless sex scenes then you don’t have a fuckin story, you have a story about fuckin.

  • While this is hilarious, likely because it’s true. Dudes going after SSRI’s. SSRI’s saved my life. AND after using them for years I simply slowly reduced my dosage over about a month and I was off them and now only use them as an emergency pill if something really stressful or bad happens it keeps me from getting too emotionally raw and ragged. I have a supply to likely last me years so this doesn’t impact me. It worries me for the people the SSRI’s could help, but he wants to keep the drugs a way from.

  • Socially I quit Facebook back when it was Facebook, when I was just starting to have extreme anxiety attacks because of repressed memories from my childhood and the people I had considered friends started spreading libelous claims behind my back and the fallout was either being unfriended by people that had been relatively close friends, and posts that I commented on became barren dessert’s, it was obvious people were isolating me out, what I didn’t know until much later, was that people were telling them I was a danger to others in whatever specific way would freak them out to make them isolate me. For instance some women were told I would sexually assault them if we were ever alone if they were particularly afraid of that, or they would say I would rape their kid’s if I had alone time with them. The weirdest was that I like to rape old ladies because I like the texture of their paper thin skin. Weird fucking shit from very sick, demented minds. I was already having anxiety attacks because of having my face bashed in when I was 2yo by a cop, intentionally. So being further abused on Facebook was a no brainer on things I won’t partake in. The truth is I wasn’t a danger to anyone, but I know who it was saying those things about me, the police in my old town know who they are and they did nothing. I am definitely a danger to those people now. But I’m states away, so how much damage could Lil ol me really cause with a 3/4in thick, 6ft titanium rod…

  • Dead serious, focus on one issue at a time, go through every possible cause, and make life changes until something you do fixes the issue. I had a severely deviated septum from having my face beat in as a child. As an adult in my 30’s I couldn’t sleep enough, 12-16hrs and I finally felt rested, but I needed that damn near every day. I got surgery to fix my deviated septum in my late 30’s and it changed my life, I still have sinus issues, the damage was so severe I need additional surgeries to get it near where a septum should be, I probably still snore -only my dogs know, but I get quality sleep when I go to bed, 6-9hrs depending on how hard I pushed myself the day before and I’m bright eyed and bushy tailed. Additionally the migraines I was having was from needing glasses from cataracts. Those 2 life changes were the difference between me actually doing things with my life, and just sleeping/wasting away literally my whole life. Don’t just let your problems sit around on your shoulder because everyone else does it, life can be easier. Tho it might require good health insurance, or the ability to cover your annual deductible. That being said, there are few things I would ever say to go into debt for, 1- health, 2- long term food storage, 3- anything that pays for itself long before it breaks

  • I will be surprised if they so daringly pass this. Also, he won’t live that long. Dudes a fat schiester. A real candidate would have walloped him in the election, the fact people voted for him shows more about the system than themselves, most are too stupid to ignore a kamala vs Donnie fight, should have been anyone else. Kamala already had people working 40hrs a week sleeping under bridges(not FTE, working 40hrs and not FTE), Donnie did back in 2016. No one really gives a damn until they can’t make cake cuz eggs are too expensive. Either party could have created an emergency law requiring food not be thrown out if no corp will buy it, and setup co ops to sell cheaper extra food. You all deserve this for voting for either of them.

  • I won’t get tired of saying it until I see someone on Tv repeat me, then I’m probably doubling down, I don’t care if it takes 100yrs. Republicans and Democrats are the problem, democrats refused to reel in the supreme court or add term limits, nothing! They allowed four whole years without abortion being codified into law as a personal right, they refused to even try to disparaged the supreme court ruling that the president is immune to prosecution while acting on behalf of the United States. It’s not just GOP turning a blind eye to the pillaging of our republic and middle class.

  • All you need to know about investing in Donald j trump investment vehicles:

    1. Ryan Cohen a known extreme trump supporter endorsed Donald J Trump within days of crashing the short interest on GameStop Stock by selling billions in shares for cash he did not need as he already had nearly 1 billion saved. He did this to be timed with when the shorts were going to start buying. He betrayed every single one of his long term investors for thieves shorting companies illegally, then turned around and endorsed Donald Drumpf on X(itter). This is Donnie’s game plan, and every single one of his billionaire supporters game plan for how the next 4 yrs is going to go. Do not invest in anything even remotely related to Donald J Trump. It’s more than likely a ponzi scheme, even the viable businesses are just going to pump and dump then leave you holding the bags.