I remember what made me quit facebook, way before it became Meta: the TV serie Person of interest. It gave me a big awarness of the scale of mass surveillance. I already had the project to quit because of Zuck’s shenanigans and the lack of interest i had in the platform, but this was the last straw for me.

  • sumguyonline@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    Socially I quit Facebook back when it was Facebook, when I was just starting to have extreme anxiety attacks because of repressed memories from my childhood and the people I had considered friends started spreading libelous claims behind my back and the fallout was either being unfriended by people that had been relatively close friends, and posts that I commented on became barren dessert’s, it was obvious people were isolating me out, what I didn’t know until much later, was that people were telling them I was a danger to others in whatever specific way would freak them out to make them isolate me. For instance some women were told I would sexually assault them if we were ever alone if they were particularly afraid of that, or they would say I would rape their kid’s if I had alone time with them. The weirdest was that I like to rape old ladies because I like the texture of their paper thin skin. Weird fucking shit from very sick, demented minds. I was already having anxiety attacks because of having my face bashed in when I was 2yo by a cop, intentionally. So being further abused on Facebook was a no brainer on things I won’t partake in. The truth is I wasn’t a danger to anyone, but I know who it was saying those things about me, the police in my old town know who they are and they did nothing. I am definitely a danger to those people now. But I’m states away, so how much damage could Lil ol me really cause with a 3/4in thick, 6ft titanium rod…