I also see this student loan thing being tossed around all the time. If people don’t intend to pay them back, then don’t take out a loan. It’s really that simple. Stay out of debt. I can’t stand banks. I loathe them. I refuse to owe a bank or anybody else for that matter any money. The public has been sold a lie. I used to be in a bad situation like what you’re describing. I woke up one day and told myself enough is enough. I’m sick of the debt. I’m sick of blaming everybody else for my shortcomings. I paid off all my debts, bought a house, paid that off and now I try and save as much as I can. I didn’t wait for anybody to rescue me. Nobody is gonna rescue me. The government, a bank, family. Nobody. I’m responsible for my own actions and I take accountability. The only way people can change their situation for the better is to think positively and work hard towards your goals. I don’t know of any other way.
I also see this student loan thing being tossed around all the time. If people don’t intend to pay them back, then don’t take out a loan. It’s really that simple. Stay out of debt. I can’t stand banks. I loathe them. I refuse to owe a bank or anybody else for that matter any money. The public has been sold a lie. I used to be in a bad situation like what you’re describing. I woke up one day and told myself enough is enough. I’m sick of the debt. I’m sick of blaming everybody else for my shortcomings. I paid off all my debts, bought a house, paid that off and now I try and save as much as I can. I didn’t wait for anybody to rescue me. Nobody is gonna rescue me. The government, a bank, family. Nobody. I’m responsible for my own actions and I take accountability. The only way people can change their situation for the better is to think positively and work hard towards your goals. I don’t know of any other way.
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😆 people like me? I’m arguing against it. I never believed that. Or told anybody that. I did the opposite.
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