I have no clue why anyone takes this seriously or is concerned about this. I have seen maybe three fact-checks during my lifetime on Facebook. That was a long long time ago. I disagreed with two of them and I am not sure if the third one said anything interesting.
Is there a population somewhere I am not aware of, who believes everything they see on Facebook, who will now be ruined by this change?
I dont think fact checking was the main reason, moreso that they decided to allow hate speech (e.g. They’re allowing targetted hate against LGBT groups).
Once these platforms are perceived as a way for people to make a living somehow, they ain’t leaving. That’s why nice places like mastodon stay niche. Without virality, people don’t see the upside for them. They want a grift they can understand.
That is sounding more and more like a benefit to me. Social media that functions as social media for humans and not just another giant corporate surveillance and marketing machine wearing a fun app costume.
People should’ve dropped FB back in 2016 or when the Cambridge Analytica happened.
I deleted my Facebook account years ago, probably right around 2016. I met a new girl last year and she wanted me to make a Facebook account so she could send me stuff. I relented and made a “new” account using the same email I used back in 2016. Low and behold, Facebook never deleted a fucking thing.
It was that combined with the fact that they create shadow profiles for your unborn child when your wife is pregnant. (Found out through FB being allowed to track your browsing history even off the app). That was the final straw right after the Cambridge Analytica issue.
Wait what the bloody fuck? I haven’t heard anything about this. Sounds right up their alley, but what evidence is it based on?
If you look up the practical application of Shadow profiles they have the ability to gather information about non-users, which also includes unborn children in the case of them discovering that the mother is pregnant through whatever web searches that they may be doing even outside of Facebook. The whole science of Shadow profiles used to strengthen the algorithm is incredibly frightening and part of the reason why I left Facebook.
I hadn’t heard of this either but here’s an article about Facebook keeping shadow profiles on non-users that references an article from 2012 where Target’s data collection determined a teen girl was pregnant before she told her dad