And I have hope the industry will start treating its workers well and its customers fairly.
Looks like we’ll all be disappointed.
This week I bought and finished two little indie gems, for the price of 5.89 + 4.99. They were great, even if one was a bit short, but I also have around 500 hours on another indie game. Thanks to alpha beta gamer on YouTube i discovered there’s a lot of nice games which focuses on story and mechanics more than graphic. I hope they price Gta VI at 100 $ and it flops.
By the time I care it’ll be ten bucks or given away for free like 5. I’m not into GTA online so the single player experience will only improve over time.
I’m getting to a point I’d describe my enthusiasm for big games as “yAAAwn.”
What single player experience? That is going to be a footnote going forward.
I don’t care.
People that want to spend that much on a game can, and I can wait until it’s the right price for me (£12-20). I’m patient enough, there’s plenty of good games in the meantime.
Bonus: it’ll probably run like butter on a Steam Deck
32: Episode 1 😉I just hope they don’t push that shitty rockstar login/launcher crap anymore, and I hope the bullshit online stuff is kept well away from the single player game.
oh there absolutely will be a launcher. all of their games since iv require login.
I just hope they don’t push that shitty rockstar login/launcher crap anymore
I am done buying trash…
Literally can’t play my legitimate gta5 epic games copy on Linux so I had to pirate it… Pirate a game that I own…
I am of the mindset that it isnt piracy if you own it. I have goldeneye in the attic on cardtridge, I also have it on my pc as is my right. I also support piracy though.
Agreed. I just don’t buy anything with launchers. All my friends say RDR2 is an incredible game, and I believe them.
But I’ve had enough ballaches with Far Cry 3, Civ VI, and GTA:V that I’m out. I’ve accepted I won’t play that game. No more launchers.
Annoyingly, they now often add them months or years after the game releases, so you often don’t even get a choice (cough GTA:V cough).
Just pirate rdr2 if you really wanna play it.
2k removed theirs on civ6 and no launcher on civ7
I wonder why but I will take it
Really? That’s great news
I’ll have a go of Civ6 again and pick up Civ7 plus all the DLC in 5 years when it’s £4 lol
You’re robbing yourself of an excellent experience. Like, I get how annoying that shit is but RDR2 is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Still go back to it on occasion.
The world is so well crafted and believable and beautiful honestly there’s not many games that get me to just stop and stare at the scenery but RDR2 has that effect on you.
I know I’m missing out, big time. Everything I hear about it is good, and supposedly attention to detail is incredible. But launchers annoy me to an almost unbelievable extent.
GTA:V is also pretty great and I was really into it. When they added a launcher I opened the game, saw the new launcher/login requirement, pressed X, and never opened GTA:V again. To this day I’ve still not completed it, and I never will unless I find out the launcher has been removed.
Maybe I have some weird mental quirk, but for whatever reason, when I see stuff like launchers, I completely disengage. It becomes impossible for me to enjoy the content.
I’m the same with ads. On TV, I refuse to watch anything unless it’s on a BBC channel (no ads in the UK). If I’m at the cinema, I will literally stand outside the screening room for 30 minutes staring at the ceiling or counting stains on the carpet until they’re done. My partner even messages me when the film is about to begin, then I head inside lol.
I’d genuinely be more likely to buy a PlayStation, buy RDR2, then sell them both for a loss when I’m done than go through their PC launcher.
I realise it’s not normal and I sound like a right weirdo. There’s clearly something… odd with me in that regard, but I can’t really shake it off. It’s compulsive.
Besides, I already have so many other games that I need to play, so it’s not like I’m stuck without anything to do.
Honestly, it’s not crazy to me. I am not as rigid about those things but I avoid them pretty hard in my own way. I don’t buy stuff with a launcher either. Likewise haven’t played rdr2. I block every ad I can. I don’t pay for streaming unless it is completely ad free and don’t habe any regular tv services. If ads are at a theater (i usually only go to ones that just don’t play ads) I won’t wait outside (gotta get my good seat), but I will ignore them and dick around on my phone till they stop.
You gotta be true to yourself but a couple extra minutes, if even, to boot the game because of a launcher that’s integrated into steam isn’t that much of a biggie.
Shit after you launch if the first time I’m pretty sure you can skip the launcher popping up, may have to use a command line argument in steam not sure but it makes it so the launcher is basically non-existent at that point.
Anyways I don’t need to convince you, fine stranger, but I really would be remiss to not at least push another person to play one of my favorite games of all time.
I’ll put it on my steam wishlist and buy it when it’s $20 or less.
I’m still waiting for Elden Ring and BG3, there’s plenty of games to be played, I don’t need to get it day one.
I also get the advantage of not buying a buggy game that’s half finished. It’ll be cheaper and better if I wait, often with a bunch of the extra paid DLC included.
I seriously doubt there’ll be meaningful DLC and that the story will be long/entertaining. See the critically acclaimed RDR2,has no big DLC. I doubt it’ll ever come down to $20
I suspect it’ll be a vehicle to push GTA Online 6 or whatever. Even with that, it’ll still be $100. I also doubt it’ll come to steam till 5 years down the line. These are usual Rockstar & 2K shenanigans.
Not being cynical, being (relatively) realistic. Rockstar has a track record of demanding exorbitant prices & fans paying them.
I don’t HAVE to play the game. If they don’t price it in a way that I’ll buy it, then I just won’t buy it.
I’ve never bought a lot of games, heck I don’t buy MOST games. I buy games that I’m interested in, when they’re priced in a way that seems reasonable to me. There’s plenty of companies (and individuals) out there who are selling me what I want, for the price I would pay for them.
Most consumers aren’t reasonable consumers like you though. Peer pressure & curiosity is one helluva draw.
I’m already not buying it. I have a rule. I’ll pay full price for a full price game. That’s fine. That’s fair. I pay full price, I get full game.
I will also play free to play games that charge small amounts of money to play. That’s fair. The game was free, and I am enjoying it. That’s fair.
My rule comes into place that I will NOT buy a game that I then need to continually pay for.
GTA 5 has already shifted priority to their online portion of the game. But there’s still a solid single player game. But online has CLEARLY been the priority post launch, with no updates or dlc to the offline campaign since release.
Compare this to constant updates and dlc for the online campaign. But there’s a catch. GTA states that GTA Online is a seperate game/experience. However, in order to play GTA Online, you need to buy GTA 5. On PS5, I believe the standard non-sale price is STILL $59.99. Keep in mind, this is an upscaled graphics PS3 game that came out in 2013.
So in order to play GTA Online, you gotta pay $59.99, but once you do you’re IMMEDIATELY at a disadvantage. Not the fact that you’re level 0, but the fact that even if you level up your player, other players are constantly using shark cards. Which are in-game currency that you don’t unlock. You buy them. With real world money. Already paid $59.99, but let me just pay another $19.99. Not to win, but rather to not fall behind.
Because if I pay $19.99, and you pay $19.99, we’re both on even footing, and we’re both out $19.99. However if I pay $19.99, and you don’t, I then have an advantage before you even turn your console on.
And rockstar has openly stated that GTA 6 will heavily lean into this EVEN HARDER. It’s now a core component of online play, which again, is their main concern with this game.
They’ll throw in a single player campaign, but it’s just scraps off the bone. The real meat of the game is online. Which again, is pay to stay competitive. After you’ve already bought the game.
Nooooooooope. From my perspective the only way to win, is to not buy/play at all. This coming from a 41 year old who played the ps1 GTA games as a teenager. So it’s not like GTA just isn’tmy thing.
I want to like GTA 6. But rockstar is just giving me the middle finger. So in return I will give back the middle finger.
I hate that rockstar has effectively turned a beloved series into a fucking live service game.
At least they’re fucking up their own series! So much worse when some big publishers buy out a beloved series and fucks it up properly, often never to be seen again. Could be Eidos fucking up Thief, Bethesda fucking up Fallout; EA fucking up Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper, Dead Space, SimCity, Need for Speed, Star Wars: Battlefront, Command & Conquer, Ultima and The Settlers. In fact, just fuck EA.
They wanna play with your emotions. It takes years to sink in. Some people never get it.
Whilst I agree that GTA Online can die in a fire, then have it’s remains unfortunately caught up in a series of fires for an eternity, I think GTA online is available separate from GTAV.
Please show me a $0 or greatly reduced priced download link from GTA:O
Fuck rockstar but it’s 20 bucks for GTA:O
Meanwhile 14-year-olds are salivating for this game, who will then steal mom’s credit card for shark cards. I’m convinced teenagers are the target audience for GTA games.
Me in 2028
Ok hear me out. I’m a book author, I write a book and try to sell it for £100 while all my peers are selling books at 60 or 70. I spend the most money imaginable making my book. It’s quite possibly the largest book in existence thanks to the effort of me and 5000 other people. I lie awake at night worrying that we’ll never make back the money we’ve spent on it.
Wait what’s this? Some team of less than 10 people has written a 3-page book and sold it for 2.50? And people are… Buying it?! But why? Look at the size of my book, clearly it must be better because it’s so big, so fancy, so expensive! Every letter cost me millions! I read the 3-page book. It doesn’t have money dropping from each letter like mine. It has a beginning, middle and end but mine has 500 acts each more expensive than the last. Surely it’s not that good… It’s pretty great actually. I have learned nothing from this experience, even though it’s happened a hundred times. I will still make more money than entire countries, somehow.
I’m not an expert here but I’ve read your story. I think you should try writing simpler, well thought out books.
Congratulations on your success though!
I guess gamers really are walking dollar signs, according to all these folks.
At that point people should refuse to buy it until it hits 70 or 60. They are going recouperate their investment unless the game is trash.
Good luck trying to convince gamers not to buy a (insanely marketed) game. Remember MW2?
Rockstar are scumbags
Never drop prices, their sales are minimal unless the game is ancient, and they do digital only now
Plus the whole “remaster a game by turning up the resolution and frame rate then charging you 50 dollars” nonsense. In my day we called that a “settings menu option”
It would have been considerably better if that was all they had done. Preferable even, compared to what we ended up with.
The GTA remasters are shit because they tried to actually remaster them, the contracted company wasn’t given enough time, they sold like hotcakes anyway, so Rockstar kicked the remaster devs to the curb because they got the money they wanted anyway.
At least the RDR port was just a port.
Fuck that, <$20-30 or nothing. I’m not playing online, so I’m not wasting most of the cost of the game to be ignored by the dev. Fuck rockstar for turning gta5 into a live service game and entirely ignoring the single player experience.
It’s surprising that games are getting cheaper compared to the cost of living. If you take into consideration the fact that games are becoming more expensive to produce, I really don’t understand it.
Gaming is way cheaper for me than it was during the ps2 or ps3 era.
Still, I don’t want games to become more and more ambitious and cost more and more. So, if I get GTA6, it’s gonna be at a reasonable price, maybe even second hand since I don’t need to directly support Rockstar.
Less physical media, devices, real tangible products and assets. More online intangible products, assets. You can decide if it’s good or bad. I think it’s one thing that’ll change manufacturing and global resource issues long long term for the better less single use BS. But also it will if not regulated allow even more ultra wealthy individuals to multiply their wealth. Furthering the divide. First comes the shit end of the spectrum then eventually the good follows after the shit product era.
Not to mention they sell way more copies of each game than they used to when sales were limited to physical copies.
I’m okay with game prices going up – they’ve fallen far behind inflation over the decades – though personally I favor DLC rather than one large shebang. Lower risk on both sides.
And there are a lot of games out there that, when including DLC, run much more than $100. Think of The Sims series or a lot of Paradox games. Stellaris is a fun, sprawling game, but with all DLC, it’s over $300, and it’s far from the priciest.
But if I’m paying more, I also want to get more utility out of what you’re selling. If a game costs $100, I expect to get twice what I get out of a competing $50 game.
And to be totally honest, most of the games that I really enjoy have complex mechanics and have the player play over and over again. I think that most of the cost that game studios want is for asset creation. That can be okay, depending upon genre – graphics are nice, music is nice, realistic motion-capture movement is nice – but that’s not really what makes or breaks my favorite games. The novelty kind of goes away once you’ve experienced an asset a zillion times.